Teenage Dirtbag (Punk Harry Styles)

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"C'mon Amber hurry up and get dressed". Casey yelled from downstairs, i was currently laying in bed at 9:00 pm.

"Why? Where we going?" I yelled to her.

"Out!" She called back.

"Where is 'out'". I asked walking down the stairs ploopling on the couch beside my bestfriend Casey.

"We're going to a club, so bitch go get you're ass in your room, and get ready".

"Fine, fine, but if you get drunk tonight, i'm not dragging your ass in my car, you can walk home".

"Fine i won't just go". She said as i got up and walked back upstairs to my room. I went to my closet and looked for somthing to wear, i didn't feel like wearing a dress so i took out my tight short, shorts that actually cover my bum, scince god has 'blessed' me with a huge butt. I went over to my drawers and took out one of my tight black v-neck t-shirts, i walked to the bathroom and changed into my clothes. I took out the curler out of the bathroom cabnit and plugged it in. While i was waiting for it to heat up i walked over to my ihome and plugged my iphone and turned on some music. I walked over to the curler and curled some loose curls on my long, blonde hair. I've never been the person to wear much makeup so i just put on a tad bit of eyeliner, eyeshadow, and mascara. I put on my white converse and headed downstairs where Casey was waiting.

"Damn girl, you look mighty fine". She said.

"You don't look so bad yourself". She was wearing tight jeans and a pink top like mine, and black converse.

"You ready?". She asked.

"Yeah, you go start the car, i gatta go get my phone". I said running up the stairs. After i got my phone i walked out the door and into the car. Casey drove to this club, and we parked and got out.

"Remember Case, if you get drunk, your ass is walking". I said sternly.

"Yeah, Yeah, you'll probably be the one drunk before me". She laughed.

And that's just what happened currently i was dancing on the dance floor with all the other sweaty drunk people were dancing, hips sweaying to the heavy bass that the song was playing. Suddenly i felt large hands gripping my hips and a hot breath on my neck.

"Dance with me". The deep accent voice demanded. And i did just that we started grinding on each other, and him pressing my bum harder to his crotch. Truly i didn't mind. After awhile i got bored and decided to turn around and see who i was dancing with. I turned aroung to see a guy at least a foot taller than me with brown curly hair, i looked at his face and saw his green eyes starring into mine, he had tattoos going down his foreharms and his chest covered in tattoos. Two little peirseings on the corner of his bottom lip, they looked like little spider bites, and small gages at his ears about the size of a dime.

"Why did you stop?". He growled.

"Because i gatta go". I muddered, scared of what this guy could do to me. I took his hands off my hips and turned around to start walking, when the same hands grabbed my hips once again and pushed my backside hard against his crotch one again. I felt his hand go to my bum and he put his hand in my back pocket taking my phone and letting go of me for a second. I just stood where i was and then i felt him put my phone back in my back pocket.

"Call me sometime babe". He growled, as i felt his to breath down my neck. I nooded slightly and headed to fine Casey not even turing back. I found Casey suprizingly not drunk talking to some guy, i quickly grabbed her and and took her outside, where we got into the car and went home. When we got home it was like 2:00am so we both headed to bed. When i got into the covers i got a text message. I looked at the contact ID and saw that his name was saved as Harry. Harry? The guy from the club, the message said.

I had fun tonight. Maybe we can continue it another time xx. -Harry.


Is it okay?

Should i continue?




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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2013 ⏰

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