Personal imagaine for @MeganMolander- Ogge

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~ Your POV ~

I wish it didn't have to be today. Today was my finally exam before the big holidays. " OK Megan you can do this!" I told myself as I started studying again for the fifth time this morning. It was last music lesson and I had to write a song and perform it on the piano. As I started to play I heard footsteps coming down the stairs. "Hey Megan, can you keep it down it's 5 in the morning!" My twin, Oscar silently yelled to me. After hours upon hours of practising I had finally made it.

~ At school ~

As I came across my locker, I saw Ogge standing there. I couldn't lie, he was so hot. When ever he comes over with Felix and Omar, I get butterflies and I am lost for words. Ogge looks at me and sends a little wave. I wave back really nervously. Suddenly the bell rang and I had to get off to Spanish. The best thing about Spanish is that the guys are in there. I know that I am good friends with them but I want to be more than friends with Ogge! As I walk into class I see that Ogge is sat alone. I look over and see him patting the seat next to him.

~ Ogge's POV ~

There she was looking beautiful like always. I wish I had the guts to ask her out! As I saw her I suddenly realised that there was nobody sat next to me, so I patted the seat so make her sit next to me. Her long dark brown hair was flowing in the wind. And those eyes I could stare into them for years to come! As she walked closer to me, I pulled myself together to ask her an important question. "Hey Ogge!" Meg said as she looked at me. "Hey Meg!" I said to her as she got her pen out. "Listen Meg. Is it OK if you came to Omar's party with me?" I said shaking a little bit. "Su ree I will meet you there." She sad as she removed a piece of hair from her face. I smiled at her. I want her to be mine.

~ Your POV ~

Yes Ogge finally asked me to the party. As the bell rang for next lesson, I grabbed my sheet and started practising the lyrics once again. I finally got to the music department. "Miss Enestad can you please go and practice in the piano room." My teacher Mrs Johnson asked as she marked me here. I practised for a little bit and as I finished the song I heard clapping coming from behind me. It was the guys. "Wow Megan, I know that you can sing but that was so awesome." Felix said as he nudged Ogge. "That could be a new song and if its OK can you make it into a duet?" Ogge asked as he rubbed the back of his neck. My brother, Felix and Omar left me and Ogge together. "Listen Megan. I'm just going to say this. I like you can I can't hide it anymore. Will you be my girlfriend? Ogge said as he went red in the face. "Ogge I have feelings for you too. And yes I will be your girlfriend!" I said as he slowly pulled me into a soft and gentle kiss. As I pulled away I smiled at his and started to sing the duet together.

Hey guys what's up. I hope you like this imagine as it is my first and thanks MeganMolander for the request and I hope that you liked it xxx

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