Chapter one

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"Hello Dawn" i hear my therapist call my name as i thought of the day i almost got raped." Do you wanna talk about your problem or what"she says. "Oh yeah sorry" i say back to her.20mins later.I walked back home home from the therapist.I went straight to my bedroom and went on my computer."Ohh my friend texted"i said to myself.-Hey Dawn-she texted.-Hey- i texted back.-Bitch where were you-she replied.-At the therapist duhh girl.-G2g-she said.-kk-i replied.NEXT DAY LATER.RING RING-went my alarm clock.Uhhh shut the fuck up i say as i hit the snooze button.I got dressed into my croptop flower printed shirt ,my pink jeans,my brown boots and my hair in a bun i walked to the kitchen and made some oatmeal.I got into my car and drove to school.

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