You Should Be Here

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Cameron POV

When I end the FaceTime call with Nash I look at Andrea sheepishly, she still looks shocked. We silently stare at each other for a few minutes because I'm letting her process what she just witnessed.

"First- you're gay and never told me? We've been friends since first semester of med school you goof, that's a over year ago. Like what is life? Second- you have a boo? I feel like I don't even know you!" She exclaims and I feel guilty because I did keep a very big part of my life from my friends in med school but my past experiences have made me wary of letting anyone in.

"Well... he's not just my boo, he's my husband." I confess quietly and her mouth drops even wider.

"Cameron! Are we even friends? When did you get married?" She screeches and I know my answer will send her right over the edge.

"This past June," I reply and her shocked look morphs into sadness, the guilt is churning in my stomach because Andrea is such a sweet girl, I consider her my friend and I blocked her from the most important part of my life. Ugh, fuck Jacob and Sam, and everyone who's tried to sabotage my relationship with Nash because they're the reason for fear of letting anyone into my life.

"I thought we were friends," she says softly and her eyes drop to her hand. I stand and go around the kitchen table. I wrap my arms around her from behind and hug her tightly. I press a soft kiss on her temple and her hands come up to grip my arms.

"We are friends... it's just I've had really bad experiences with people trying to sabotage my relationship. My husband is... a very desirable person and people gravitate towards him. It's made me paranoid and wary of letting anyone new fully into my life. I'm sorry Andrea, you are my friend and I hate that you're doubting that. I'm so sorry," I whisper and she turns her head slightly to look up at me.

"I've kind of been keeping a secret too," she says softly and I tilt my head as I wait for her confession.

"I'm a lesbian, I don't have anyone in my life right now but yeah... I was just scared to tell people and be judged like I was in high school. I'm so far away from home now but those experiences I had in high school still plague me," she whispers and I hug her even tighter because somehow Andrea and I are kindred souls.

She stands and leads me to her room, we sit on her bed, facing each other and she gives me a shy smile. I lean forward and hug her tightly, she relaxes and I have to confess I'm happy with the way things are turning out.

"So who's your husband? Tell me all about this desirable man that has enchanted the masses," she asks teasingly and I relax as well.

We talk the entire night, I tell her all about my experiences with Nash, how I almost ruined our future together and the people who have come and gone that tried to break us up. She tells me about her negative experiences in high school, she tells me about her best friend Lia and how she fell in love with her. Lia apparently is the belle of the ball, blonde hair and beautiful eyes but she is straight. When Andrea confessed her feelings things got awkward between them and Lia drifted away from Andrea.

"God, I wish I had a Nash... well I guess it'd be a Nashina?" She finishes awkwardly and we burst out into laughter.

"Andrea you're amazing and you're beautiful. I know for sure that you'll find the right person for you," I say trying to comfort her and she nods.

"I know but I'm tired of waiting," she replies and lies back on her bed, I lie down next to her and eventually we drift off to sleep.

I wake up in the late morning, I still feel groggy from lack of sleep but I force myself to get up.

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