Open the book, and discover

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Looking around, I realized something...

Not everything is the way it seems.

Sometimes it feels like it is

But most of the time, it's not

You take a look at someone

The first thing you would probably notice is their color

And you would automatically have an assumption of what their ethnicity is

Not only is their color noticed, but the way they carry themselves

How they act,

How they talk,

How they dress,

And mostly of all, their appearance

Perhaps you see someone who looks like a geek

Wearing glasses and that is very smart

Right away, you would just assume their a geek

And if your not, you wouldn't associate yourselves with them

But, have you ever tried to talk to them?

To understand them?

To notice that they aren't just smart because they act like it

But maybe because they were born that way?

What about a Jock, that atheltic person

Whose strong and plays sports.

You might assume that their just a wanna be

That they carry themselves as if their better than everyone

But, have you ever wondered why?

Why their a jock and act the way they do?

Perhaps they want to carry on their families legacy

Or maybe, they just want to make their parents proud, and can't help themselves?

What about that girl, the Muslim girl

Who walks around dressed differently than other girls

Who wears a scarf on her head

And who doesn't reveal her body

Many might assume she's opressed

That she was forced to dress the way she does

That she has no say in what she wants...

But, have you ever tried to talk to her?

To try and ask her why she carries herself that way?

And why she dresses the way she does?

Have you ever thought that maybe it was her choice

To dress that way, to dress modestly

To carry herself in a way that she wants to be respected by everybody

...Well have you?

Then how about that person who is very caring

That helps you when your down

And who is always there for you

Have you ever given them the same in return?

Or have you just used them for their niceness

And never really cared about them?

What about that person whose always shy but yet, so nice

They don't shout or blurt out anything

They talk when necessary

But they also keep quiet when it's not necessary

Have you ever looked at someone like that and tried to befriend them

To make them feel comfortable around people,

And to be nice to them in return?

Or have you just ignored that and took advantage of it?

Maybe not, but what about when you wish the whole world would understand you...

Understand why you do what you do...

Why you say the things you mean...

Why you believe in so many things...

And why you see the world in a whole different way?

You see, you can't just judge a book by it's cover

Or by its Title

You have to open the book to see

To discover

And to realize that every book is different

Every title has its story; its own meaning behind it

So if you took the time to sit down and read,


And see

You will realize certain things,

and why, they are the way they are...

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2011 ⏰

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