Is It Real?

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"Diana Louise Johnson come down here right now" my father calls me in distress. It's probably my school calling to report about the fight I had in school again. Just like the

slogan what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas be why can't it be the same for school, what happen in school stays in school. Like my loving foster father just quote my name is Diana Louise Johnson. I don't specifically know who came
up with that name but the day I met them it won't be pretty. All my life I've fought with what is realistic and what is nonrealistic. My therapist seems to have a different aspect on what is essentially real. What you see is what's real even what you feel sometimes isn't because it could only be in your head......the mind have the power to build faith that could create confusion when one is trying to decide what's real and what's not is what she said. I know total bullshit.

But you know how people have five senses I have six. Except mine only work in dreams or vision. I can see another dimensional world  functioning right under our noses. We are too ignorant or too 'develop' to know because we think we already figure out how the world came to be and how it would be in the future through a certain Big Bang theory. But we missed out on the hidden world, the supernatural world of vampire, werewolves and a whole other creatures and I dream of these huge and extraordinary worlds every night. I even see them sometimes. The feeling I have when I witness the birth of a vampire is unlike any other. That feeling is better than any other drug. Well of course my parents thought I was mentally ill due to the fact that both of my parents killed each other in front of me when I was only five years old. Little do they know that there's a fine line drawn between our worlds and the hidden world and we think we safe because of that line but the day that line is outdrawn there would be trouble in earth in the universe so to speak. Unfortunately I think I just cause trouble in my home with my foster parents right about now, if I go back to that hell hole foster home I think I'll give myself up to whatever other worlds I'm seeing.

I walk as slow as I could to stall time but I have to face them regardless. "Yes father" I reply as polite as I could. "Don't patronize me what other trouble have you gotten yourself into this time" while my father was usually blaming me for everything my mother sat there hand crossed with a disappointing glare. For some unknown reason that bought tears in my face "I was talking to my friends about this guy I

keep dreaming about and how I thought he was destined to be my soulmate all of a sudden pretty conceited blonde hair Jessica started calling me a freak" my dad breathe in and out trying to concentrate really hard on what his next word would be. "And i dont suppose that soulmate is human is he?" I frown "no of course not he's a vampire" my father starts laughing. I looked at my mother in hope she would too but her stare was ten times more hurtful. "no of course not

he's a vampire she said it like its the most normal thing in the world can you believe that honey" she didn't answer, she simply shook her head and walked out of the room. She is definitely not keeping me around anymore after this little episode. Flashback of my dreams immediately start replaying in my head like a movie. It was odd since this never happens when I'm in the middle of a conversation especially with my parents.  "Diana Diana hey Diana" I jumped out of my little thoughts. "We have to move.....again" my mother came back with a cup of tea. She slam a few paper on the table more like threw it my way. "What why" I asked concerned and a little confuse. "Because no other school in this state will accept you after so much

trouble you've caused" I could see the exhaustion in my parents eyes. It's bad enough that they have to deal with bills, their marriage now they have me to look after and I'm not easy to dealt with.
"We can't keep doing this Diana we can't keep moving and hoping that you'll change"
"I stood up for what I believe in" i need to defend myself i can't take all the blame
"just because you believe it baby girl doesn't mean it's true not everybody believe in your imaginary little world and that's something you have to accept" if I was faking the tears before now they're really coming from the heart. He's really saying it like it is. As much as I want to deny it it's the

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