Herobrine and her

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-herobrines point of view(pov)-

I opened the door to my house in the side of a mountain.

It was almost morning , but I was tierd from following one of the villagers all night .

Ya , he is dead now.

When I laid down in my bed my eyes closed instantly

When I woke up it looked to be about noon

I decided to go hide in the trees in the village and maybe scare some villagers before dark.

Just to give them night mares

As I jumped from tree to tree I shot some cows with my bow.

I heard a loud bark

I turned around to see a wolf looking for some sheep

I stood for a minute using my deep , white , glowing , eyes to hypnotize the wolf

His eyes Turned blood read ready to attack

I lead him to the village .

Staring at him one more time he jump out to a group of people , and attacked one till it was on the ground.

The wolf turned peaceful , and I made sure the last thing the villager saw was my glowing eyes in the bush.

The only thing I could think of when I was in bed was that villagers tariffed look I left on his face

When I woke up I decided to go for a walk to the local camp ground .

I doubt any one is there after what I did yesterday .

When I got there I saw some people standing in the middle of a camping spot.

I stoop in a tree and ease dropped on there conversation.

Nothing really got my intention until I heard this

" We must kill Herobrine befor he finds the other brine in town"

" who knows what will happen if he finds her".

CHAPTER TWO:who is she

I stood silently trying to figure out who they were talking about

Then I resized it probably doesn't really matter

I decided to scare them with a creature I had been working on

These creatures will be my army and I sign of my presents

I call them pigman

I pulled out its spawn egg from my inventory and placed it beside me

It ran out and slit a villager in the arm

He collapsed well the rest of them ran away

I walked over to the villager and looked down at him

He said "is t-this your m-making?"

I replayed with "yes"

"y-you won't w-win. He has a a-army. So s-strong you w-will be begging for a s-second chance"

I gave him a sarcastic smirk. " they will be the ones begging . Now Finnish him!"

All you could hear was the scream and the slit of his throat

I was about to walk away when I saw two white glowing eyes on the other side of the forest but they disappeared as fast as they appeared

When I got home I found a bat in my house

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2013 ⏰

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