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~Attention : Some scenes may be over rated for readers so i advise any readers below 15 \ 16 dont read but its your eyes so just read at your own risk

But it might not be to explicit depends on what the readers want ;-)


She ran through the woods dodging the bushes and trees and flying arrows that were coming here way panic rose in her as the voices grew louder and the wind pick up as she continued sprinting through the trees as fast as her feet can take her she was moving so fast it was all a blur

When she looked at the dull night sky full of black and grey clouds and the creatures that flew above but one stood out the most .Its light green piercing eyes and body twisting and turning and its big black wings spreading so high it covered most of the sky

Her long brown silky hair flew in the wind as she jump high on to one of the cliffs and kept on jumping over them knowing it was her one way ticket out. She heard a loud growl and look back to see green orbs looking into her hazel ones but she kept on pushing her self until she went to jump on the last cliff but stop when she saw it moving further away from her reach knowing it was his doing

His loud laugh boom and echoed into the night knowing he trap her and she couldn't escape

"You can't out run me., you know that" he said taking slow and powerful steps towards her as she took some back carefully looking back as she does so

" i told you i will find you did you doubt me princess?"

"Im not a princess and dont call me that"

" But they think differently why don't you just embrace who you are and finally do something with your gifts" he said stopping his movements

"You and your so called leaders can suck it no way in hell am i going to side with you and stand there while you take people lives and drain your people for power and no matter how skeptical that sounds i kind of like how im living"

"Such a foul mouth for a young girl however cupcake look around your already in hell and i rule it now im giving you a chance to take the deal or leave with out any powers"

"You can't do that you don't have the power to" she smirked and look down at the end of the cliff were the last portal was open

"Maybe i can't but a little help won't hurt" the guy said and his eyes turn even ligher as he opened his arms and called upon the gods power. She knew it was now or never so she looked up and her eyes connected with his and just as he went to strike her she jump right off the cliffs and down to where the portal was

"No" the guy roared and flew to get her before it closed but was to late she smiled up at him and went straight into it and the portal disappeared .The guy narrowed his eyes and flew back up towards the sky where a man dressed in all black was waiting

"She gone isn't she?"

" Obviously but dont worry she'll be back with all that power she has she wont be on earth that long" his eyes twinkled in amusement

"What do you want me to do sir?" The guy asked taking off his thick hood reviling his shadow face and its piercing blue eyes

"Try to find her send word out but not to everyone if you know who i mean stop her from escaping where ever she is. Go Now" He shouted dismissing the demon as he watched him vanish into black dust

"If only she knew what's going to hit her" he said laughing and getting up from his stone chair and walking around the other end of the cliff and singing her name

"Oh Sabrina , Sabrina i will have you eventually if i have to drag you from earth and back to hell myself then so be it " he said his eyes going red and his fangs coming out as he jump off into the air and let his wings fly out

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