Chapter 1- Love, Hope & Time

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Chapter 1

I'm a sucker for Love let me tell you that. But what I didn't know that Attraction is the first step of it. Like when you're captivated by that one person and you can't take your eyes away from them. You see every little thing about them and you're suddenly mesmerized.

But you just don't realize it until that very moment.

When I did, I was too late, or so I thought. But that didn't stop me. Knowing one or two things about him was enough for me and I'm sure as hell glad. All I needed was Love, Hope & Time

Now let me tell you my story. It all started when I moved to Holmes Chapel in Cheshire with my family which consists of my mum and dad. It was the summer of 2008 and I was alone in my unfurnished bedroom. While I was waiting for my bedroom to be furnished I decided to take a walk and see what the neighborhood was really like.

My name is Emma Willingston I'm 18 years old and I'm an only child. My father ,Ryan Willingston is a doctor and my mother , Elin Willingston is an artist. We moved here because my dad was offered a once and a life time job. When my dad questioned me about it, I said yes with no hesitation. I always begged my mum and dad into moving here in from Australia for two reasons.  

One of the reasons why was because I was bullied and I wanted to get away from them. Well at least we all both got what we wanted, for me to get away from them, and the other reason was because my favorite cousin, Dave Willingston lives here and I always wanted to visit him. Well ever since he told me he has a girlfriend on Facebook that's when I actually wanted to visit him.

Me and Dave are close and seeing as he was only 6 months older than me makes it even better. Dave was like a brother I never had. As I came across a park I saw him. Curly brown hair, green eyes and glasses, while reading a book under a tree. I was confused on why he was there, most people would probably be with their friends hanging out or something but not him. As he looked up I was forced to get out of my trance, I gave a shy smile but instead of smiling back, he gave a slight nod and continued to read the book.

As I carried on walking, I got my Ipod and ear phones out of my pocket and listened to music. I love music, I can't go a day without listening to one. I guess it made sense on why I wanted to be a singer someday but that was almost crushed when all the bullying started. Instead of giving up on that belief, I lost my confidence. That's why I had no friends and no one knew about me being bullied. Except for the people that bullied me and some other people from school, not even my mum or dad knew but Dave did.

He saw people posting inappropriate things on my Facebook page and other social sites that I use. I wasn't planning on telling anyone but he found out. I had to convince him not to tell anyone but I'm not going lie it was hard.

I noticed it was getting dark so I came back home. When I came back my mum and dad was in my room, as I entered I quietly gasp. It was probably the average teenage girls room but I absolutely loved it.

"Do you like it?" My mum questioned

"I love it" I gushed

"Glad you liked it" my dad smiled

"Oh and we have a little surprise for you darling" My mum and Dad smirked

"Wha-" My eyes widened in a mixture of shock and excitement as I see Dave walking straight past the door. I couldn't help but notice someone standing behind him, Realization hit me and sceamed.

"AHH!" I came running and tackled Dave to the ground, I heard laughter from behind me. I stood up and helped Dave up and hugged him really tightly.

"Hey Emma" Dave said as I pulled away

"Hi and oh my gosh your really here and- you bought your girlfriend!"

I looked over at the unnamed girl standing awkwardly at the door.

"Hi my name is Emma" I said as I approached her

"Hi. Umm..  My name is Alice, Nice to meet you"  Alice said whilst sticking a hand out.

"Sorry I don't do handshakes. I do hugs!" I exclaimed giving her a hug. She giggled pulling away Alice seemed like a nice girl, she was very beautiful. Now I know why my cousin took interest in her. Her hair was straight and brunette, dimples and a lovely smile and she didn't look fake at all.

We all caught up in the living room and talked about absolutely anything that we could ever think of.

"Well we better be off. Don't forget about school tomorrow" Dave reminded me.

"Augh school!"

"Don't worry you can hang out with me and I'll show you around school" Alice smiled at me and continued "oh and there's a lot of cute guys you know" she winked whispering in my ear.

"Yeah.. Well I'm not interested" I laughed. Alice rolled her eyes and gave me a hug.

"Well see you tomorrow" Dave and Alice waved as they walked their way through the door.

"Well I'm off to bed. Goodnight Mum and Dad" I gave them each pecks on the cheeks and went of to my bed room. I changed into my pajama shorts and tank top, hoping into bed.

I layed there for what seems like forever thinking of the possibilities of the outcome for tomorrow. Whishing for the best but expecting the worst. Until darkness took over me.

Authour Notes: This is my first fanfic so please be a little easy to me guys. I will try and update every week or 2nd week :)

This chapter is kind of boring so just hang on Harry is gonna be on the next chapter :) a pic of Emma on the side :)

Vote and comments? -Danica

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