Chapter 1

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You played in the woods, the leaves falling from the trees. You giggled and laughed as you tossed your ball around. The stripped colored ball, rolled away from you. You followed it, but stopped when your ball layed by a man's feet. The faceless man picked it up, you smiled as he tossed it back to you. Catching it in your small hands, you ran up to the well dressed figure. Lifting the ball up to him, taking it into his own hand, his other hand rubbed your hair. You giggled, he turned you around, pushing you to walk forward. You turn around to face him, you were only a couple of feet away. Slenderman bounces the ball to you, catching it once more, you throw it back to him. You two played with the ball for a while until he looked off to the side, you held the ball in your arms. Slenderman started to walk away, you followed. But he stopped you, letting you know to stay here. Than he left. Your frown didn't stay long, you smiled once more. Dropping the ball, you kicked it. Causing it to hit the truck and bounce back. Walking over to your toy, you picked it up. You heard footsteps from behind, you thought it was your 'Father'. Turning around, someone shined a flashlight at you. You were disappointed, but you still smiled. The man screamed and fell backwards, he quickly picked up the flashlight and shined it back at you. The Strangers sighed in relief, he stood to his feet, dusting himself off. The man walked up to you.

" you shouldn't be here little one." the person grabbed your tiny hand, making your balls fall out of your arms. You both walked up to the truck, he took a piece of paper off it. You didn't know there was one on there, as you both quickly walked away. Slenderman stopped looking down at the ball you dropped, picking it up. Slenderman lifted his head back up, to see where you gone. He walks off into the woods, meanwhile the man you were with was freaking out from the tiniest of sounds. Causing you to giggle, he looked down at you strangely. We both walked up to a TV, 'Steve' you called the man. Picked up a pair of batteries and a paper along with it.

" 4 more to go." grabbing your hand once more, he hurried out of the grassy field and onto the dirt road. The flicker of the lamp caused Steve gets scared,

"_______." you heard your name being called, you ripped your hand out of Steve's grip. Running into the woods,

"Hey! Wait! Come back! It's dangerous out here!" Steve ran after you, you stopped. The man stopped a few feet away from you, your (E/C) eyes looking around in the dark,foggy area. Steve quickly grabbed your hand,

"We can't be in here. Come on." He whisper to you and tugs on your arm, but refused to move. Steve pick you up, headed back to the road. Slenderman appeared, you held out your small arm. But his figure disappeared when you got far away enough, putting your arm back down, you look ahead of you. You both stopped a couple of times to look at the maps, Steve set you down. He crouched down to your level,

"Promise not to run away from me like that again... Okay?" You nod your head,

"Good." He stood back up, grabbing your hand once more. You both walks off. Halfway down the road, Steve's flashlights started to flicker on and off.

"What?.. Damn thing.. Work!" He hit it a couple of times and looked at the batteries, you turned around to see SlenderMan not that far away. Steve looks down at you,

"What are you looking at?" He turns around,

"AAHHH! HOLY SHIT!" He picked you up again, taking off running. When you two were far away enough, Steve let you down. The male was hunched over trying to catch his breath,

"That was too close." he wiped his forehead, you put your hands behind your back, looking in the direction you to ran from. You were still, as the man freaked out a little more. You were wondering why you too was running away for,

"_______, come back to me." you looked towards the woods, your (H/C) hair Swayed to the side slightly as you looked. Your arms fell to your sides, running over to the forest. Steve straightened his back, he turned slightly to see you run back into the woods.

"Aww, come on kid. We made a deal." Steve followed after you, stopping in the middle of a clearing. Steve stopped, but slowly walked up to you.

"Come on, kid. Let's go." your ball bounced out of the trees and landing by your feet, bending down, you picked it up. Turning around to fully face Steve, he stopped dead in his tracks, eyes going wide. He watched as Slenderman emerged from the darkness behind you. Tilting her head to the side, you didn't know what he was so scared about. Turning around slightly, your smile widened.

"Slendy!" You cheered happily as you ran up to him, Slenderman picked you up. Holding you close to his chest, you looked up at him and then back to Steve. Your teeth started to show from your cheshire smile, fangs(like Grell's). Steve backed up slightly, tentacles surrounded you in Slender man. You waved at Steve as Slender's tenticles pierced his body, blood fell to the ground like rain. The man's body going limp, his body fell to the ground with a loud 'thud'. Looking up at the Faceless Man, you frowned. Slender looks down at you,

"Sowwy, I weft." laying your head on Slendy's chest, your eyelids fell from sleep taking over........... You woke up, you noticed you were in bed. Looking around, you saw your ball on the floor. Getting down from the bed, you picked it up. Walking out of the room, you went downstairs. Seeing Masky and Hoodie sitting on the couch, he quietly snuck by them. You entered the kitchen, Eyeless Jack was making himself a kidney sandwich. But smiley the dog took off with his sandwich while Jack was looking in the refrigerator. Making your way to the door, you went outside. Before you could go any further, Jeff and Ben stopped you. Jeff pick you up by the collar, you struggle to get free, but failed failed.

"You can't fucking leave our sight this time." all three of you reenter the house, just letting you in the middle of Masky and Hoodie. They look at you then went back to watching TV, do you realize that you dropped your ball. Looking back and forth at the two boys, you got down from the couch, but Hoodie grips your arm and lifted you back up. You frowned and crossed your arms. After a while you are focused on watching cartoons, you leaned into Masky's side. You almost fell asleep, when Slendy walked through the door. Holding a cup of coffee in a newspaper under his arm, you got up and ran to him. Hugging him, you backed up a little. He handed you your balls, you hug them again. Slender grab the newspaper from under his arm and walked off after you were done hugging him.

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