Danisnotonfire and AmazingPhil

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Dan's POV:

Phil and I were walking through town, next to the forest, when I got the bright idea to walk around in the woods. "Yo, Phil?" "What?" He replied. "Let's walk through the woods, I'm curious to know what lurks within it" I said, eager to know. "Um, Dan, I don't think that's a very good idea, you never know what resides in it." he told me, worried. "Oh, you big baby, it'll be fine" I told him, already walking towards it. "Ok, whatever you say" he mumbled, before running to catch up to me. As we walked around, I felt peaceful. Well, until I heard a stick snap, as if someone had stepped on it. Me and Phil looked at each other anxiously. We turned around hesitantly, and saw....nothing there. I breathed a sigh of relief and began to think it was just a rabbit or something, until I turned back around. there, standing in front of me, was a girl...only, she didn't look like a regular girl. She had pale skin, almost white, and had long, black hair with blue highlights, that fell down to her knees. She wore a black hoodie, black leggings with dark blue stripes on the sides, and knee high converse (You know those high converse that look super cool, but take SO long to put on XD). The weirdest thing about her, was her eyes. They were black holes, seeming to be endless. Now, she would've looked like a normal teenager with contacts in, if...she wasn't holding a chainsaw. "Well, well, well..." She spoke, staring at me and Phil, grinning like she was insane! "Don't you boys know you shouldn't be roaming around in the woods? Especially these woods, I mean...this is Slender Woods..." Her voice seemed smooth and airy, yet it had a creepy feeling to it, and I shivered as she talked. I cautiously looked at Phil through the corner of my eye, afraid that if I moved, she'd attack us. He looked just about as scared as I was, maybe more. "W-who are y-you...?" I whispered, not sure if she could even hear me at first, but as she diverted her gaze to me, I knew she heard. "My name is Insane..." She said, while smiling so wide, I thought her mouth would rip open. It didn't, luckily. (A/N: This is my OC, Insane) "What are your names?" She asked us, startling me. "U-uh...m-my names D-Dan, Dan Howell, and t-that's my friend, Phil, Phil L-lester," I said, scared she would kill me if I didn't reply. I think Phil was too scared to speak, since he hadn't spoken at all since we met her. "What nice names, and such handsome boys too." I blushed, and I think Phil might have too. "What a shame you two will be dead soon..." She finished, laughing maniacally. I stopped blushing, and went pale at the thought of her slicing me head off with that chainsaw of hers. "Rose?!" She suddenly yelled, making both Phil and I jump. After a few moments, I saw another girl walk out of the shadows, looking around the same age as Insane. She had brown hair, brown and red wolf ears, and had a blood red rose in her hair. She had pale-ish skin, blue eyes, and black whiskers. She wore a black choker with a red ribbon around her neck, a black zip-up hoodie, black shorts that came about mid-thigh, and rainbow sneakers. Just like Insane, at first I thought she was a normal teenage girl who drew on whiskers (THE CAT WHISKERS COME FROM WITHIN XD) and had a headband with cat ears on them, and her eyes were normal, unlike her friend's. I was almost relieved, thinking that someone had come to save us, until I saw she had a knife in her hand, and a sword on her back. I started panicking again, considering she could kill us just as easily as Insane. I glanced at Phil quickly, and he looked like he was about to faint. I turned my gaze back to the mysterious girl, who suddenly had a weird grin on her face, and looked at us as if we were her prey. "Well Insane, care to tell me who your new 'friends' are??" She asked. Her voice was kind of deep, but had a bit of a girlish side to it, but she was very loud. "This is Dan and Phil. They just wondered into our woods, and Slendy sent me to kill them" Insane replied. I shivered when she said she was told to kill us. "Well, why haven't you done it yet...?" The girl who was apparently called'Rose' asked. I listened carefully, as I was curious as well. "I don't know, they seem...interesting..." Insane said, looking back at us. "Well...should we take them to Slender" Rose asked, although it was more of a statement than a question. "Yes...we should..." Insane said. "Follow us, boys." Her and Rose started walking forwards. Phil and I glanced at each other, wondering if we should run away, or follow them. Well, they would probably track us down and kill us if we ran, so we hesitantly walked behind them, not daring to say a word. The walk was silent, as they took us to meet the so called, 'Slender' or 'Slendy'. They...couldn't be talking about, The Slenderman, could they...? Well, I guess I'll find out soon...Suddenly, Insane spoke, "We're here" I slowly looked ahead, and my jaw dropped when I saw what we were standing outside of. It was a HUGE mansion (Idk how to describe a mansion so...I'll let ur imagination decide) "Woah..." Phil breathed, talking (kinda) for the first time. "Oh, so little Philly finally decided to speak up, eh?" Insane said teasingly, nudging Phil's side. Phil flinched, and moved a bit closer to me. Insane frowned for a second, before gaining her posture again. I saw Rose smirk for a minute, and Insane sent her a slight glare, which made Rose chuckle before walking to the mansion. Insane rolled her eyes, with a small smile tugging at her lips. "well, anyway, welcome to The Slender Mansion," she said, also walking towards it. I noticed I was still gaping at the beautiful house in front of me, so I quickly closed my mouth, and pulled at Phil's arm, slightly dragging him along with me as we walked behind Insane. The doors opened, and as we walked through, we ended up in a living room. It included a TV, that had all sorts of gaming devices hooked up to it. It also had two couches, and one love seat. I looked around in awe, and began to think I would like it here, until I saw the people in the room, staring at us. I took a step back, my eyes widening at the strange creatures. There was one boy who had paper white skin, giant, wide eyes, which looked like thy had no eyelids, and a large, cut-in smile, blood dripping from it. He wore a blood stained white hoodie. He was standing next to a smaller boy. He was dressed in a green tunic and hat, and had on brown boots. He looked almost EXACTLY like Link, from The Legend of Zelda, except, instead of Link's blue eyes, he had black holes, with a single red dot in the middle of them. He also had blood dripping from them. Next to them, was a tall guy, probably as tall as me, but muscular, unlike me. He wore a black hoodie, black jeans, and converse. He also had gloves on his hands. He looked pretty normal, except for the fact he had a blue mask on, with a black liquid running down from the eye sockets. There were many more in the room (I'm just too lazy to write it all down). Insane suddenly ran up to the boy with the cut smile, and hugs him, kissing him on the cheek. I must of looked confused, since Rose tapped me on the shoulder and said, "They're dating, idiot." Feeling stupid, I nodded. Rose was pretty, I had to admit. Her hair seemed silky and smooth, but it was obvious that they were all killers, so I can't have a crush on her. (Wow dan, judge-y much -_-) Phil gripped my arm, and held it tight, probably in fear. I found myself staring at Insane, and her 'boyfriend' growled at me, making me flinch. Insane pats his arm, whispers something in his ear, which seems to calm him down, but he still glares at me. I mentally slap myself for being so stupid. I shouldn't get on these people's bad sides, they could kill me in a heartbeat. Eventually he looks away from me, but keeps Insane close. She rolls her eyes, but smiles. Suddenly, a super tall creature walked in, and he must of been the strangest. He was probably 15 ft tall, he had a slender figure (XD), he wore a suit, and he had literally NO face. "Children" he 'spoke', his voice booming around the room. "Who are these humans?" I honestly felt very afraid. "Slender, this is Dan and Phil. They were wondering around in your woods, and you sent me to kill them. They seemed quite interesting, so I brought them to you, to see what to do with them." Insane said, her voice firm. It was clear that 'Slender' or Slenderman, was the leader of this mansion. "Hm...very well. Children, introduce yourselves" Slender spoke. First was the Insane's boyfriend. "Jeff," He growled, his voice rough and low. He shook my hand hard, almost breaking my arm off in the process. He let go, and walked back, sneering at me. I wonder what Insane sees in that guy. Next was the boy who looked like Link. "Yo, I'm BEN, BEN Drowned," he said, high fiving me. He seems cool. The boy with the blue mask came up to me. "Jack, Eyeless Jack, but call me E.J" He said, not bothering to make any physical contact with me, which I am glad for. A guy in a black and white clown suit, and a long pointy black and white swirly nose. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHA I'M LAUGHING JACK, HAHAHA CALL ME L.J. HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!" He said. I wonder why he's called Laughing Jack (sarcasm). A boy with no arms or legs sitting on the couch says, "H-hi...I'm L-lost Silver..." he's pretty adorable, I wonder why he's here. Rose walks up to him, kisses his cheek, and sits next to him. Hm, maybe a crush or something. Three guys come into the room, one wearing a yellow hoodie, and a black ski mask with red eyes and a stitched frown, another wearing a, orange jacket and a white mask, with black eyes and lips, and penciled on eyebrows, which looks kind of feminine. What is it with these guys and masks?? The last one didn't wear a mask, thank god, but he wore a mouth guard, and orange goggles, along with a brown hoodie. He seemed to be twitching. They walk up to us. They seem to be analyzing me and Phil, until the one with the feminine mask speaks up. "I'm Masky" he says. Wow, how original. He had a somewhat high pitched voice, but it still sounded quite manly, somehow. The one with the ski mask says, "I'm Hoodie." Really? Hoodie? Wow. His voice was low and rough, but didn't sound mean like Jeff's, instead sounded quite shy. I guess he isn't that talkative. Maybe him and Phil would get along. The last one, the one who wore the mouth guard, spoke. "I-I'm T-Ticci Toby, but T-Toby's f-fine," He said, twitching, his head jerking to the side every now and then. He must have some sort of disorder. He must of noticed I was curious, since he said, "I h-have Tourette's S-syndrome". Ohhhh...that make's sense. "Who are you?" Mask asked us. He must be the leader of the small group. "I'm Dan, and that's Phil," I said, surprised at how confident I sounded. Rose and Insane seemed taken aback too, considering how scared I sounded when I first saw them. Huh, maybe I'm getting used to these people. "H-hi...." Phil stuttered. He must be getting more confident too. I saw Hoodie look at him for a moment, before nodding in acknowledgment. I saw Phil crack a small smile, probably happy someone noticed him. "H-hey" Toby said, waving, before Masky punched his arm, hard. My eyes widened, since that must of hurt, but Toby didn't really move an inch. Seeing my confusion, he said, "C.I.P.A". Oh, so he can't feel pain...damn this guy's good at noticing stuff. Phil gave small wave back. Mask didn't take notice of him, he just kept staring at me. Rude much, dude? I raised an eyebrow. He finally turned away, looking at Slender. "I am Slenderman, though you already know that" He 'said'. Wait, but he never introduced himself, how was I supposed to know who he his, I mean I know who he is, but, how did he know...? "Mind reading child," He said. "oh..." I said. I don't think I will ever get used that.....Ok so let me review what happened today, I basically got 'kidnapped' by these girls, I met the Creepypastas, and I met Slenderman. What a day! Well, it looks like I'll be staying here for a while so I better get comfortable...

A/N: THERE YOU HAVE IT!!!! This is a one-shot, so don't be expecting any more chapters. I hoped yu enjoyed it, this is a mix of my two favourite things, Creepypasta, and Phan. If you don't know who Danisnotonfire and AmazingPhil are, I suggest you check out their YouTube channels, since they are AWESOME!!! Uh, so yeah, that's it. Please check out my other stories, and, uh, BAI!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2015 ⏰

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