your own world

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I hate the rain, I really do. Oh how it drops from the sky making me wet. I think that’s why. I don’t like getting wet, if I don’t have to be. The rain only targets the ground, and was only here to interrupt its path. Leaving us with the outcome. Oh, but if it makes its way to the ground, that’s bad to! i have worn in shoes. The rain; it finds its way in by the cracks and holes in the bottom of these shoes. Wet socks? Yuck. Making my feet feel stick, like walking on damp cardboard. But, I must not stay inside! No, too much world to see, I can only see a palm full from a window. No, I don’t want that! i need the whole thing! I need it like a fire needs wood to burn. That’s it! It’s like a fire in me. But the rain, it quickly puts out the fire.

 Making me want to stay on the inside. The warm, water free inside! We have stuff to help from the rain, but still. My shoes. They’ll get wet, oh and the socks!. I could were a good pair of shoes, or maybe boots. No, I have no boots and why ruin good shoes? I think I might just sit inside? i mean hey, if you think about it, your only living in your world! Yeah, that’s it. Your world. The rain may stop you from seeing some of it. But you can make sure you still see it! You know I’m I shall stay in this room, near this fire, with this cigarette, and this book. And maybe, just maybe. Have a calm day

What’s that? My mom wants me down stairs? i better see what this is about. She says she’s leaving for an hour? This is perfect. Now I can show you my world. She closed the door! The scenery changes. we are no longer in a house, no. we are in a deep fire cave, standing on just a piece of a hot rock floating on lava. Ah! There are more rocks leading to an exit! As we hop across the rocks, dodging the lava, barley keeping grip, sweating from the heat we reach the other side!. Amazing. We climb our ways up a narrow hole, leading us out of this hell filled with lava and fire. We step out onto a grassy field. Ah, this feels better. Not so hot any more. But wait, I here something? Its sounds mean! It’s growling. Out comes a huge wolf, bigger than use! Good thing we have swords! We quickly dash towards it we attack this wild beast with all our might, we do flips over him and attack in midair, we do fighting moves like we know martial arts.

We have nice wine over our victory, ah, cherry flavored. We make our way down into a battle field, quick three bad guys to your right; you dash from the bunker to and shoot them flawlessly. i run out to the left and shoot the six near me, we keep going and meet back up. What’s that? Moms back home. Darn. Now where back at home.

Remember the lava and rocks, in reality those was the floor and couch pillows. The giant beast was just me dog in a playful mood. The wine, was just Kool-Aid, the army field was just the kitchen. and me? I’m my 5 year old self again. And you? You was just my favorite action figure, along for the ride<3

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2013 ⏰

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