Cold-Hearted - Taiyou X Reader

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Ren:This story is dedicated to CatsCanHop.
Hiroto:Urm...why am I here?
Ren:Oh...I think I called the wrong boy but can't you stay here for a while?
Hiroto:*sighs**nods head*
Ren:Okay! Let's continue the story!

"Shirosa nee-chan! The boys are saying bad stuff about you again!" A 5-years-old Shirisa Shizumi complained to her older 12-years-old sister,Shirosa Shizumi. Shirosa patted her head and hugged her. "Is that why you got bruises on your arms and legs?" Shirosa asked her in a gentle tone. "Yeah," Shirisa began crying again. Shirosa conforted Shirisa in a motherly way. You see, Shirosa and Shirisa lives alone in an apartment. Shirosa has to go to her elementary school while Shirisa has to go to her kindergaten. "You know what? They all are just losers if they made fun of me, okay Shirisa?" Shirosa said. Shirisa smiled brightly and nodded. "Well,let's go to the park,ok?" Shirosa said. "What for?"questioned Shirisa. Shirosa chuckled lightly. "Soccer,of course,"replied Shirosa. Shirisa brightened up at the words of Shirosa. "Heh,let's go then," With that,Shirisa and Shirosa went off. But not any one of them knowing that they will get into a fateful incident. It has been minutes before they reached the park. Now, it was already afternoon. Shirosa and Shirisa reached to their usual place but surprisingly there was a boy with navy blue hair playing with his older brother. "T-Tsurugi," Shirisa muttered under her breath. "Is that the boy who bullied you?" Asked Shirosa. Shirisa nodded slowly. Shirosa nodded. "Don't be afraid," Shirosa whispered into Shirisa's ear. Shirisa and Shirosa walked past the two brothers and started to play soccer. "Eh? Shirosa?" Shirosa's ears perked up when she heard a familiar voice calling her. She turned to her right to see ... "Eh? Yuuichi?" She shouted, surprised. "Eh? Onee-chan knows Tsurugi-san's older brother?"questioned Shirisa. Shirosa nodded. Tsurugi looked at her devilously. "Oh. So little scardy-cat Shirisa came to play soccer? Do you even know to play soccer? Hahaha,"snickered Tsurugi. Shirisa hid behind her older sister. Yuuichi turned to his younger brother,eyes held a warning glance. Tsurugi gulped as he saw what his older brother was saying. "Urm.. what I meant is why don't we see who is best in soccer? You versus me," Tsurugi challenged Shirisa. Surprised, Shirisa came out from her hiding place. "S-sure," Shirisa agreed with a bright smile. For hours the pair were playing soccer until it was already night. "Shirisa!" "Kyousuke!" The older pair called the young pair. Pouting and whining, the older pair decided to walk together since it was night and their houses are just beside each other. "Ne, Shizumi-san, can I call you by your first name?" Tsurugi asked. Shirisa smiled brightly before answering his question with a nod. "Can I call you Kyou?" Shirisa questioned Tsurugi. Tsurugi nodded brightly. The older pair chuckled heartly.


Shirisa opened her eyes. A tired expression was plastered on her face. "Ugh. What time is it?" She questioned herself. The 16-years-old girl looked her alarm clock which showed her ... "Damn it's 7.25!" She yelled while running towards her closet to get her school uniform. She hook it up properly and ran to her bathroom to bathe. It's been hours and Shirisa was already running towards her school. Her ponytails were tied by two black ribbons. Her long hair was flowing rhythmicly within the wind. "Damn!" Shirisa cursed again. "I should have enrolled for Raimon instead of Arakumo! Damn!" Shirisa yelled angrily. Her dark green eyes kept shimmering until she reached her school. The guards was about to close the gates but Shirisa managed to slip past the closing gates and ran to her class, 3-A. Yes,she's a top student in the top class. She probably perfect in everything but she nonetheless is quite mean and rude. Nobody was able to put up with her behaiviour. But there was only one boy who could put up. Only him and he was....Taiyou. Taiyou Amemiya. He was the only one in this school who can put up with Shirisa's behaiviour. "Ohayo Sensei!" Shirisa quickly greeted her teacher who didn't bother noting that she was late for school. Shirisa then sat down. Unfortunately for Taiyou, Shirisa hates him the most out of all people. The only boys who understand her pain is the Tsurugi brothers. Unfortunately, they are in Raimon. Shirisa doesn't have enough money to transfer herself into another school. That's why she works in this school as well as studies in this school. She works as an singer. Every morning, she has to sing for the school. "I should have transfered the same school as Kyou-kun. Man,this sucks,"muttered Shirisa. She stood up as the bell rang indicating that class has ended. "Great,soccer practice,just great,"muttered Shirisa,grumbling along her way towards the soccer clubroom. When she reached, the clubroom was empty. "I'm early now. Great!"muttered Shirisa angrily. As she went into the room,she spotted an electric guitar at the corner. Shirisa's eyes brighten up a little as he saw the guitar. "I could play for a while,"mumbled Shirisa,smiling slightly. Unknown to her,the rest of the soccer members were hiding behind a huge cupboard. Taiyou was quite amused at how she could smile. Shirisa sat on a chair and made herself confortable and she started to sing. (A/n:This song is 'Error' by IA. So don't on the song in the media pleeease!)

Cold-Hearted - Taiyou X Reader (oneshot)Where stories live. Discover now