My Life With the Fab Four

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November 30,1957

Chapter 1 A Day in the Life

I was laying down on my bed doing my Latin homework, when my record stopped. I got up and flipped through my records. I stopped when I got to my new Buddy Holly record. I switched the records. Peggy Sue cut on and I danced over to my bed. I started on my Latin once again. I am terribly awful in Latin. I could hardly pass in English, how was I supposed to pass this? I glanced at the clock , 3:46,it's almost time for Paul to be here. Paul is a genius at Latin, so he comes over every Thursday and helps me with my homework.

I got off the bed and looked at myself in the mirror. My was a mess ,as always . I readjusted my messy hair and went downstairs.I set my books on the kitchen table ,I looked at the clock again. Paul should be here any minute now. I walked over to the fridge and poured myself a glass of milk. The door bell rang and I ran to the door . Nobody was there, so I shut the door , and walked back to the kitchen.

When I walked through the door I was startled by someone digging in the fridge." You know, you should really consider locking your back door." "Paul McCartney , you almost gave me a heart attack!" I said sitting myself down at the table. Paul sat down in the chair next to me,with a boat load of food,and we started working on my homework. " Do you want to stay for dinner?" "Sure , what are we having?" "I 'dunno.' " I said,

"Food I'm guessing." "Don't be cheeky!" Paul scolded.

I got up and walked into the living room. I flipped on the record player. As always, Buddy Holly filled the room. "Do you wanna dance with me?" Paul asked holding out his hand. "I don't see anybody else askin' me?" "Thank you, for pointing that out captain obvious." I just laughed and stood up and took his hand. We danced till my feet were hurting. I hadn't noticed the record had changed to a slower song, and Paul took a step closer. It felt funny dancing with Paul this way,but it was kinda nice. I didn't notice how closest were until my mother yelled for me.

"Shelly, I'm home!" I stepped away from Paul and blushed so red that I felt as I my face would explode any moment now."Um...I should go help her with the groceries." Paul nodded an okay as I walked out to the car.

I grabbed a bag and started walking to the house. Oh goodness , these are heavy .I think I might drop them all. I wish Paul would come and helped me,but he probably is talking about something boring with my mom.

"Excuse me miss,but do you need some help with those?" "Yes,please!" I said almost dropping everything."By the way miss,me name's George."he said taking one of the bags. "George Harrison." "Thank you, George."I said walking with him to the house."my name's Shelly Richards." We stopped and stood there for a minute when George said,"Ms. Richards,I think we should get these put away before they spoil." We walked into the house and into the kitchen."Who's this young man,Shelly?"my mother asked with a funny look on her face." My name's George Harrison,Mrs.Richards." George glanced around the walls for a clock. " I'm really sorry I can't say and chat,but my mother would have me head if I was late for dinner ,again ."I walked George to the door." Thanks ,

for helping and all ."I said." Would you like to meet up sometime at the park or something?"George asked nervously." Yeah , that would be great." "Okay,see you tomorrow then?" "Sure, sounds wonderful." George waved goodbye and started running down the street.

I walked back into the kitchen , but Paul wasn't in there." He's in the living room , Shelly." "Thanks mom,and oh by the way,Paul is staying for dinner." I said walking into the living room. "Hey,who was that guy?" Paul asked confused. "I've never seen him before today , he just helped me carry the groceries. Unlike someone else I know." I said giving him 'the look' as he called it . "I'm sorry,I got caught up in what your mother was talking about." He said trying to look innocent."yeah right,what could she be talking about that could catch your attention?" Paul chuckled. "You're right, I just didn't want to go get them." "James Paul McCartney, you are so lazy!" I yelled at him pointing. He sat down on the couch,and patted the spot next to him . "Come,sit." I just laughed and sat down next to him. We had been best friends since forever.

"Did you know you have really beautiful eyes." Paul said looking at me. "No one has ever told me anything like that before. Thanks."I was blushing so much that I felt like my face would explode any second now.

"Well I will tell you something , everyday for as long as we know each other,I will tell you how beautiful you are,Shelly." Paul leaned in and kissed me on the cheek. "Kids, dinner is ready!" Shouted mother from the kitchen. Paul and I jumped up and went to the kitchen.

Dad had just gotten home from work ,and was sitting at the head of the table."How's it going, Paul?" dad asked." I'm doing well, and you?"Paul is always so proper around my parents." I'm doing good , son."dad said,"Let's dig in."

We ate, and after dinner I walked Paul to the front door. "Thanks , Mrs. Richards for the great meal." "Bye , Mr. Richards." Paul waved and mom and dad said their goodbyes.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2013 ⏰

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