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Hi guys.

This part is just a rambler about the boys so if you want to know what's happening to the book, scroll down. As you all know, Stereo Kicks have split up. It took me a while to try and get used to it and I guess you could say I'm still trying to get used to it now. The boys always put smiles on so many peoples faces, they will still continue to do so but in their separate careers. I wish the boys all good luck with what ever they chose to do, this is only just the beginning.

With regards to the book, I'm not really sure what to do. Obviously it would be quite confusing for you guys and myself as I would have to change the plot and the story line as things have changed quite dramatically over the past few weeks. I haven't updates for a while, not because I'm lazy and couldn't be bothered but it was just because I was trying to figure out what to do with the book. After much deliberation and thinking about this, I thought it would be best for you guys to make the decisions yourselves as you are the ones who enjoy the book and support it so much.

So I could either continue writing this story or....leave the book how it is, and just continue writing another book based on another person who I know of. I am open to all suggestions based on what you guys want. Without you guys who read this book, I wouldn't have gotten to see so many people enjoy the book. I am so grateful to everyone who voted, commented and read the book.

Also, does anyone have any cool ideas for my new username? :)

Lemme know what you guys want to happen with regards to everything in the comments below and I'll get back them soon.

Thank you x

Nothing Special (Stereo Kicks/Reece Bibby/New Hope Club)Where stories live. Discover now