John Elwood

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Seven years have passed after he escaped the prison. They were all frightened about that, and for the first two months noone was getting out of his house. It was a disaster! Noone's ever escaped Halfway Prison till now! How did he do that? After the guards found out that The Morb was missing, it was like the end of the world for them, they didn't know what to do, what to say about it, only a guy named John, John Elwood, he had a feeling about this. It was like he knew that it was coming, that he would escape from the prison.The people of the Pine village were noteven saying his name, they were so frightened about that...

November, 1826 New York


-Mr Elwood I have prepared the chariot for you, sir.

-Oh, thanks Elliot, I really appreciate that.

-Always at your service sir!

Elliot was a nice tall old guy with grey hair and a mustache. He was serving the Elwood family for maybe 30 years without a doubt.Elwoods were like a family to him, they found him in a strait all alone, he was 13, it was so cold that night and Mr Elwood took him to his mansion and took care of him. 

-How long will this journey last, sir?

-As long as I catch this man, I will be back Elliot. I will keep you informed by sending you letters. All you have to do is to take care of our mansion.

-As you wish , sir.

Mr.Elwood got in his chariot and began his long journey at the dark and lonely Pine Village...After 2 days, they got there, it was real! All they were saying about it was true, dark,lonely and the so terrifying atmosphere was struggling him.

-So, we are here, this is the Pine Village, sir, said the horseman...But, be careful you don't know what to expect in this village. I heard that HE is somewhere around here, you know who, and maybe he sees us...

Mr.Elwood wasn't frightened at all, maybe it was just the beginning, yes, it was...

He steped off the chariot and carried his luggage till the end of a muddy road. He was just walking trying to just watch the area for a minute.Finally, he got at a small house, he was about to live in that place as long the case was closed.He saw the sign '' Old Carnival ''. At that moment a scary old man opened the door.

-Hello,sir! You must be Mr.Elwood, please come inside, I have some tee for you.

-Oh, thank you, mister...

-Bergman, Fred Bergman!

-Nice to meet you Mr.Bergman, John said.

-So, tell me sir why are you here, said the host.

-I'm here Mr.Bergman to investigate a case, it's about an old fugitive that escaped seven years ago, at 1819, from the safest and more secured prison of America, his name, oh sorry, his nickname is...The Mo...

-Stop! Don't say that out loud like that, he might be hearing us...All my life I was scared about him. Not only me, but the whole town... I don't know why he picked Us, a small village in the mimddle of nowhere. 

-Please, tell me more...

Mr.Bergman came close to him and whispered...

-We will someday be his victims, son! You don't know what is going on about this village anymore. I've lost my family, he did it, but I can't do anything...

-Why didn't you ran away?

-Noone can! He doesn't let us do it. When you approach the ending village sign you hear a whisper...and then  that's wake up at your house lying on your bed... Don't ask me, it's so weird, but most of it, it's frightening! He scares the people.

Noones was talking until they reached the room.

-Here's your room, it's not so good, but it'll help you as long as you're here.

-Thank you Mr.Bergman!

-The dinner is served at 8.

-Ok I'll keep that in mind.

But when he was going to get to his room Mr.Bergman grabbed him and whispered again!

-Remember, he said. None of them succeded!

And he was all gone he went downstairs at his old red sofa where he was sitting and waiting all day. What he was waiting for? Noone knows...or maybe knows? 

John Elwood and: The Morb Where stories live. Discover now