Hello, My Name is Isacc Cooper. If Your Are receiving this Message than Our Nano encephelon Worked. You have been in a Deep coma For 24 years. You were amongst the few people that could be the cure to saving our Race. You may be confused, so let me explain. Since A few years ago our world has been getting scorched by the sun. Fires and Chaos have spread Almost Globaly. So We had been working on a Machine, a machine that could put us in a virtual world, a new reality. We did this in hopes that if our earth dies and we die. We could live on in the virtual one. But it appears that we have succeed to well. We haven't been able to pull you out of the machine yet. Please listen to us. The entire planet... Over 9 billion people... Will die. If you will help us. Then i will be able to Get you out and not destroy The system. If your up to the task Meet me At the Old school park located in-