Chapter 1

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Two pegasi Flew above the ground, through the sky one was a Magenta Pegasus with a light teal and turquoise mane, crystal blue eyes and a rainbow cloud with red yellow and blue music notes under it.

The other was a lime green Pegasus with a blonde mane and crystal blue eyes as well and his cutie mark was a drum set

"Creative! Drum Set!" A familiar voice called to them.

The two freinds looked off of their cloud and saw a familiar white unicorn made with a blue Mane, and lime green eyes. She also wore a red fez

"Scooter!" Creative cloud waved to a friend "what's up!"

"Well at the moment you two are up!" Scooter Dragon joked causing the three of them to laugh a little.

"So what brings you here?" Drum Set questioned the unicorn

"Well, I came to just hang out with my friends." Scooter replied

"Great cuz there is something I wanted to show you." The pink pegasus said excitedly.

"What is it?" Scooter dragon asked curiously.

"I'll show you." Creative cloud said as she picked up a sadle bag, placed it on her back and flew down along with Drum set and they landed in front of Scooter Dragon.

"What's in the bag?" The unicorn asked.

CC smiled and reached into it and pulled something out. A rusty old lamp.

Scooter and Drum both looked at the object confused as to why she had it.

"What is that for?" Drum asked his freind

CC smirked "Well, it may look like a simple lamp but it is so much more than that."

"Okay... Well I'm just gonna..." Drum was about to take off but he was interrupted by CC.

"Don't you dare fly away." She scolded her secret crush "Its not much outside but Its what's on the inside that counts." She smiled. "This plays a part in an amazing story"

Upon hearing that last part SD decided she wanted to hear it. "What's the story about?"

"Well... Its mostly about magic, love, high adventure and things like that."

"Well I guess I'll listen" Drum said

"I'm in" Scooter exclaimed enthusiasticly

"Great!" Creative smiled. "Our story begins long ago outside of the great city of canterlot where a dark stalion awaits, with a dark purpose."

The scene shifted from day to night and where the three had been stood a dark grey unicorn who's horn was curved and red and his mane was jet black. He stood there waiting for something.

Eventually a purple mare with a darker purple mane and three buttons as her cutie mark, came into veiw.

"Did you find it?" The dark unicorn asked the mare

"Yes" the mare nodded holding up a peice of a red gem.

The unicorn was about to take it but she pulled it away

"I'd like mu reward first 'kay" she requested

"You will get your reward soon." He said and the mare nodded and held the gem out.

The unicorn levitated it and combined it with another peice of a gem creating an octagon shape and it imedeately began to glow and flew out of the unicorns hooves.

"After it!" the unicorn ordered and both followed

They ran as fast as they could all the way to a cave where the gem conected to a statue of a siren next to the cave causing it and two others to gain color and come to life.

One, the one wich the gem had conected to, was yellow another was purple and the third was blue.

"Who dares disturb us?" All theree spoke together

The gray unicorn shoved the earth mare forwards

"I am Suri Polomare a humble theif  'kay" She said confidantly

"Only one may enter" the yellow siren spoke

"A diamond in the rough" The purple spoke

"Yah, only he can enter" The blue one spoke

"Go back to stone Sonata" The Purple spoke

"Be quiet Aria!" The leader spoke

While this was going on the unicorn nudged Suri forward telling her to go into the cave.

She nodded and timidly walked forward

"I warn you" Adagio spoke "If you wnter it wont end well"

Suri ignored this and continued forward but as soon as she reached the entrance a bright light shone and turned the pony to stone with a horrified expression on her face.

"Only one may enter" Adagio spoke again

"A diamond in the rough" All three spoke before returning to their stone state.

The gem fell off the statue and the unicorn lifted it up and groaned as the words echoed in his head.

Only one may enter a diamond in the rough...


Hello all you peepole who read this, please comment and stuff espacaily you, Child of the Fire I know you are reading this.

I just want to say to all you MLP fans, those three ponies at the begining that are not in the series EVER are some OCs. One is my pony OC she is Creative Cloud, Drum Set is an OC of the boy I have a crush on and Scooter Dacon is someone on Fanfiction and Fimfiction who gave me permission to include her in this. She is amazing go check her out. 

I hope to get the next chapter of this out. 

Till next time MS out!  

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2015 ⏰

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