(UPDATED) Chapter 1- Animal Attacks

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Weary of the boisterous activities of my family at the cabin, I decided it would be best that I take a couple friends for a stroll along the neighboring road. We planned to leave for a relatively brief walk aside the forest's edge, returning home before twilight.

Dusk came quickly, but nevertheless time was not in my thoughts as I began to survey the vast, faraway clouds in the sky, making out meager rays of light in between the ashen gray smudges. Occasional flashes of lightning turned the clouds a plum color, remote thunder following not long after and rattling in the distance.

"I think we'd better head back now, don't you think?" I suggested, glancing between my two friends who appeared to be thinking the same. A murky haze was moving in alongside the storm, thickening the air and making it nearly impossible to see a few feet in front of ourselves.

"Hey, um, which way is back?" The blonde queried, her brown eyes searching through the fog.

"I could've sworn it was this way...But now I can't see a heckin' thing." I mumbled in reply, seeing if I could pull up maps on my phone.

"I ain't about this horror movie life, pals." The brunette stammered, somehow maintaining a nervous smile.

"Dessirae, we'll be fine." The blonde by the name of Natalie attempted to reassure the other, though I could tell the situation was getting to her as well. I found that odd, but I felt the same way. There was something that made this thick haze more than a common weather phenomenon.

Unease swept over my body, as I heard what sounded like quivering puffs of air. Something was breathing heavily, evidently through its nostrils, and it seemed weak somehow. I neared the edge of the forest where I heard the sounds, sure to maintain caution.

"There! Behind those trees...Do you see that?" Natalie whispered, gesturing toward a huffing shape of short beige fur. Stepping closer toward the large pines, I spotted what appeared to be a stag, hidden just beneath the blanket of jade needles. It's body was rising and falling, indicating that it was still breathing, though it didn't seem like it would be for very much longer.

My stomach churned when I noticed that the noble animal's body was covered in deep, claret gashes, cascading down from it's neck to it's belly. I glanced back at the other two, finding that like myself, they held similar expressions of shock. Averting my gaze to study the dying creature, I watched as it's eyes began to glaze over. I shifted the body, turning it completely onto it's back and observing that it's neck was pierced in several areas. Blood exited the wounds with each time the animal's heart pulsated, spreading and staining it's fur.

"Do you think...A bear?" Natalie suggested.

It was the only reasonable explanation, but we had been visiting our cabin for years now, and had never caught sight of a bear, let alone any wolves or coyotes in the area. I glanced between the two, before looking closely at the bite marks. Lifting my phone above the deer, I took a picture of it for future reference, making sure to capture the unique wounds.

"Well, whatever attacked it, it isn't very far behind..." Dessirae trailed off to herself in a whimper, grabbing my hand and pulling me away from the deer. I didn't resist, understanding that she certainly had a fair point.

As we distanced ourselves from the scene, I found myself drawn to glance back, curiosity heightening with each step. I heard dead leaves crunching from behind us, but I didn't stick close to hear what sounds would follow.

After what felt like hours of navigating through the fog, we finally spotted my cabin in the proximity.

"Whew..." Natalie remarked, walking down the hill and onto our driveway. Dessirae and myself followed suit, still quiet after witnessing the animal's mysterious passing. We entered the cabin silently, all unsure of what to tell everyone.

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