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                                         Chapter One

“Just one more time Chloe!” Brie Lankely, a halfhearted friend of mine (that I decided to stay the night with), grinned showing her straight, white teeth. Once again I pressed the hot curling iron up against my arm, inhaling deeply; the nauseous smell of burning flesh wafted through the big porcelain filled bathroom.

            “And… You’re done… You just got burned” Brie snickered at my suffering and her pathetic little joke. I squeezed my eyes shut against the pain, not sure how I could explain the huge patch of raw skin to anybody.

            “Okay so it’s your turn… Truth or dare?” I whispered holding back the tears that wanted to pour out. Pick dare already. I begged silently, the only thing on my mind that was somewhat important to me was the revenge I could muster up if she chose dare.

            “Da… Truth of course” She shifted her weight back and forth obviously uncomfortable. Bitch.

            “This guy Tommy, I heard you talking to on the phone before I came in… so who is he?” I turned on the sink and ran freezing water over my arm as I waited for an answer. I stared back at her through the mirror, noticing she was rotating her thumbs around each other. She only did that when she was nervous.

            “It’s just a guy I met, were going to the poetry slam tomorrow at 8 pm. Can you come please?” Brie begged in her annoying voice. I turned off the faucet and walked towards the bathroom door, turning the key until I heard the click of it being unlocked. Taking a few steps into her antique bedroom I bee-lined for her plush bed to think, I knew this would be a decision to regret.

            “Fine just this once… Go get me some Band-Aid’s so nobody sees the mess you made me do” I would have never known Brie if it weren't for my parent’s stupid mistake. If only they told me I was adopted when I was younger and smarter. Brie trailed off to her medicine cabinet where a lifetime of medical supplies was sitting waiting to be used. She bounced over with her hands full of antiseptics and bandages, lowering next to me on the bed.

            Leaning in with her mouth close enough to my ear I could feel her hot breath “We won’t regret this” She whispered. She quickly recoiled and put almost 15 antiseptics and bandages on my arm, making it hurt worse than it should have. I shuddered, thinking about the awkward moment that was just created. But just as quickly as she created the moment it dissipated.

            “You look worn. Let’s go to bed” Brie grabbed my hand, slowly guiding me out of her room into the guest bedroom across the hall. She waved slightly before closing the door.

            “Good night” I replied to darkness that devoured the room. I curled up on top of the sheets, letting the tears drain out of me. It would be impossible to go to sleep tonight, stupid parents, mood disorder friends, and pain in every way from mental to physical. But somehow I did it.

v    .

I had forced myself to sleep ‘till about 12pm, knowing there was no way to avoid tonight at the poetry slam, no matter how long I slept. My stomach rumbled seeming the only thing with life this quiet morning. I sat up straight and reached my arms up to stretch; turning my head a little I could see tears mixed with days old make-up stained to the pillows. I walked towards the door, every step I took felt stiff and heavy. Something deep inside me didn't want to open the door. Brie was lying on the ground rolling a knife over her fingers. Had she been here all night? The thought sent shivers all through my body, which is until I saw the blood. She started to dig the knife into her fingers; blood dripped onto the tile floor and dyed her hands and clothes. Where is Brie’s mom!? I started to sprint down the stairs towards the kitchen where I noticed fresh coffee brewing, but no Ms. Lankely. I checked the living room, bedrooms, backyard, and garage; she had to have gone on a walk. I jumped back up the stairs skipping 2 at a time.

“Brie stop right now!” I shouted trying to keep my voice firm and distract her. I approached Brie slowly then knelt at her side; I grabbed the knife with caution and threw it across the hallway.

“Lexi” Brie whispered. “I’m sorry” 

“Shh… It’s okay Brie” I slid my hand across her forehead to move the hair out of her face. Then I rested my other hand on her back, thankfully she got it and put her blood streaked arm around my neck. We slowly made progress towards her bathroom making personal record of only stumbling a couple times. Brie fell back limply as I searched for gauze and other medical supplies. I barely knew enough to bandage her hands correctly but somehow it came out okay. Brie closed her eyes, dozing off.

A few hours later she awoke. 

“Lexi we need to leave… for Tommy.” Brie blinked a couple times, a vacant look in her eyes.

“I know." I had been dreading this.


To be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2013 ⏰

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