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"Evan, it's time to wake up dear." Maria's soft voice says. I yawn and stretch my arms.

"Thank you for waking me Maria." I say politely.

"I made you some eggs for breakfast." She tells me.

"Okay thank you. I will be down in a few minutes." I say.

Maria is my family's maid. My parents have a lot of money you could say. They're both very successful business workers and they travel non-stop. It's like they never have time for me. They try though, I guess that's what matters.

I get out of my bed and walk down to the kitchen. Maria is like my second mother, she's there when I need someone to talk to when my mother isn't there and I'm thankful for that.

"Here are your eggs sweetie." Maria says while putting a plate in front of me.

"Thank you." I tell her and take a spoonful of my eggs.

"Evan you better hurry up and get to school. You know how much I'm paying for you to attend this private school, so don't be late." My mother says walking down the stairs fixing her blouse.

"Yes mother. I'm going to get cleaned up right now." I say while placing my empty plate in the sink.

I go up to my room and look for my school uniform. It's a red and black plaid skirt with an all black polo shirt with the schools logo on it. I put my long brown wavy hair into a ponytail and apply a small amount of makeup.

I grab my bag with all my school supplies and walk downstairs.

"Are you ready to go Evan?" Maria asks. I nod my head and get in the passenger seat of my family's BMW. I'm only 16 so I can't legally drive alone yet. It sucks.

"Thank you for driving me Maria. See you after school." I say and wave.

I walk towards the direction that my friends are at. There's Kayla, Alexis and Sophia.

"Oh my god! Austen's party was so amazing." Sophia gushes.

"Hey guys." I say to them all.

"Hey Evan. Why didn't you go to Austen's party?" Alexis asks.

"I....um...had a family dinner and my parents wouldn't let me skip." Lie. Truth is, I wasn't invited. I'm not what you would call popular. All my friends are but me? I'm just the nerd.

"You should have skipped. There were some really hot college boys there. Look at these." She says well unbuttoning her polo to expose her chest. Her chest that's covered in hickeys. "His name was Liam and he was so good in bed." She brags. I zoned out after that.

They don't get it. They can get guys with such ease and they don't even have to try. I haven't even had my first kiss yet while they're talking about sex. Maybe that's why people don't like me, why I'm not invited to parties and such.

"Evan? Hello? Earth to Evan?" The girls say.

"Sorry. What were you saying?" I ask.

"I said, we get our history essay back today. How do you think you did?" Sophia asks. Finally something we can converse about without it being awkward.

"I think I did pretty good." I tell them.

"Well we should probably get to class. The bell is gonna ring in a few minutes." Alexis says.

We split ways and walk to our classes.


"How did you guys do on your history essay? I got a 78." Sophia says as we walk out of the school.

"68." Alexis answers first.

"72." Kayla says second.

"94." I answer.

"How are you so smart? I would kill to be as smart as you." Alexis grumbles.

I just laugh in reply, not knowing what to say. "I gotta go guys,Maria is waiting. Bye." I say. A chorus of goodbyes are spoken as I turn and make my way to the car.

"Hello Evan. How was your day?" Maria asks. Should I tell her the truth about how it sucked because I'm a loser that has no chance at love? Or lie and say it was great?

"It was good. I got a 94 on my history essay." I tell her while telling a slight lie in the process.

"That's wonderful dear." She says happily.

"I hope father will be happy with it." My father only cares about money. He wants me to have good grades so I can get a good job and be wealthy. He thinks money is the only thing that can make you happy. I mean it can, but only to a certain extent. People can make you just as happy.

"I'm sure he will be pleased with it dear." Maria smiles at me. "Oh and I have to take you to a gym tonight. Your mother hired a personal trainer for you." She tells me.

"What? Why?" I ask. I don't want to be bossed around by some person who thinks they're better just because they have a nice body. No. That's not happening.

"I don't know. Your mother just left a note with the address and time on it." She explains. Well isn't this just great. "The session is at 4, so once we get home you need to hurry and change into the appropriate clothing."

I just nod my head in reply.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2016 ⏰

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