Two Sides Of Me

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I'm living in a very twisted world.My name is Margaret Valentino there's trouble in both sides of me.Now you might be confused in what I mean about in both sides,but the thing is that while I'm asleep, I go to a whole different world.Life isn't easy for me,I'm not that type of kid that has everything easy going.Most of my life my dad has been in jail for drug dealing,and my mom died when I was only two.Now,I live with my grandparents in the Bronx,but my mom is from D.R (Dominican Republic)and my dad is from Mexico.When I'm in this new world full of hope and joy it's like all the people over there have different personalities then the people I know in the real world.

For example,Noah Walters is a crush I had since I've been in school,but he's a real jerk.He tries to act cool in front of everybody,he also always hits on girls and not the good ones.But when I take my imaginary portal it's takes me far away to Bonzara. Bonzara is a really magical place that has inspired me a lot.Since the tragedy in my life started,Bonzara has made me lucky.Last,night when I fell asleep I experienced that my dad has a great great uncle who's trying to help me and save me in my life.He wants to take me with him to live at Bonzara,I would love to but I just can't betray my grandparents like that.Ever since my dad has been in jail and my mom died,my grandparents been there for me and they tried to do everything to make me happy.But I was thinking,but then again I don't know who he is I ask myself random questions saying for example,"Is he really my dad's great great uncle"? My dad has always told me that he never had a family member that he knows of.Or maybe he does but then again he doesn't want me to go and ask them questions about his life.The last word my mother told me before she died was to never count on my fathers family, she said they would trick me into my own life.Thats why my grandparents are from my mothers side.I only have one friend that I really don't talk to as much,since I'm in Bonzara all the time I don't pay attention to the real world as much.Its a big problem.

One example is,today in chemistry class my teacher Mrs. Martin asked me a question about how to pour the chemicals with out making it explode or dripping it on the counter table.I just stared in space because I was thinking if I should accept the decision my dads great great uncle offered. Of course they laughed because I answered ...."what", it was so embarrassing. When I got home my grandmother was making frijoles with rice and chicken, she told me to fix the table and put on the news. Right there on channel 6 they were giving news 41. It was talking about how kids at any age are rotting there brains and life with imaginary things such as friends,or portals. Once I heard that they do this because something had happen to there life when they were young I ran to my room. When my grandmother heard me slam a fork on the table and heard me running up the stairs she started to follow me.I can't believe that they think that it is a bad influence when it's not. I do not want to turn into my father or end up buried like my mother,the portal is the only thing that makes me achieve more then the past. When my grandmother came in my room she asked that it was okay that some people have a bad affect on it but I use it as a gift and that I should be grateful for that. She also said that the news should talk about the important things not some thing stupid enough like that to talk about children and there imagination.My grandmother told me something in Spanish that I heard before " No hagas caso a nadie de nada creer en ti mismo y sólo a ti mismo" that meant "dont listen to anybody or anything believe in yourself and yourself only". That may me feel better.

Now as you can see,I'm now in my imaginary portal,but I just got a warning I need to act more like a child then a baby my science teacher Mr. Goldman said. That was really rude for him to say that. But of course he does not care a bit because he's telling it to me and I'm not saying nothing back or complaining. I dress like a boy now I have to dress like a girl with no choice it is either I want a good grade or I have to have no friends. Well this fortune teller came up to me at school to check if I have problems,she said that I'm going to have a lot of good and bad experiences in my life. She said my grandfather was going to work at my school and tell every body my problem which was a lie he wouldn't do that for a million dollars. My grandparents wouldnt do that if they do i think im Going with my dads great great uncle. I think that maybe it wont be that bad to live with my dads great great uncle.

When i woke up my grandmother had my close ready for school that day. She had all this jewelry and other things that I usually wont wear. I usually were sweats jordans and t- shirts. Now i had to wear a flower print crop top with high waisted pink jeans and black flats. I was about to cry. My grandmother did my hair, she put it into a bon and put a bow on it. I actually felt pretty. When i got to school, Noah said look at the new girl shes hot. Then my friend witch her name is Tiffany said " thats Margaret" he answered " oh well she's my new babe" I was happy to know he liked me back. I passed by and he put his phone number in a opening in my book bag. Then I almost tripped and he caught me and kissed me in my mouth for minutes. I left at the end of the day and left like Noah's girlfriend

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2014 ⏰

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