2: Locker Rooms & Fruit Loops

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Naturally, my day had been terrible.

 Not only was it the first day of school, but that day also happened to be declared 'Let's Torment Dan' day.

The jocks had decided to be their hormonal and beefed-up selves by threatening to pelt me with spit-balls, rip all my books apart and – wait for it – lock me in the boys' locker room.

 To be fairly honest, I didn't see the problem in this.

A fairly legal homosexual trapped in the males' locker room. How could I argue with that?

 Sadly, the jocks didn't seem to see the fatal error in their plan. They continued chuckling like mad hyenas on steroids, until eventually, their laughs faded down the hallways.

I'd decided to stick to the door until I was positive that they had left...I wouldn't want to accidentally bump into someone here and end up shrieking like a three year old.

 My instincts told me to stay where I was for a little longer, and I was glad to comply.

Just to get one thing clear: my instincts are never wrong.

 Once when I'd only been a six year old toddler, screaming for gum, I suspected that one of my cousins would choke on his juice – due to the fact that he'd been chugging it like a trucker.

Of course, he choked. He nearly died. But, throughout the few minutes that my poor mother, father and several other adults - all of whom had refuse to listen to me - had spent to save him, I bragged non-stop, constantly pointing out just how right I'd always be.

 Very, very right.

Finally, when I was sure that I could move, I stepped forward, carefully observing the room.

 In actual fact, it was a white-tiled hallway, leading to the locker room. The corridor obtained the amazing power of air-conditioning, so all the sweat probably building on my forehead would soon disappear.

It wasn't that I was frightened by the thought that a few jocks could be at the end of the hall, waiting to demolish me...I just happened to be scared of whichever possibly naked guy waited on the other side.

 Although, I highly doubted anyone was there. It was lunch, after all; who in their right mind would spend their free time during school in a locker room?

You. My subconscious answered. Duh.

 This particular situation was circumstantial; I'm not here because I wanted to be, I'm here because of a bunch of Neanderthals thought it would be hilarious to trap a gay guy in the guys' locker room.

Their stupidity is really starting to worry me.

 I reached the end of the brightly-lit hallway, to find a tall white door. It had a small pane of glass near the top, but I didn't bother looking through it. That would be the epitome of creepy, especially if someone was in here.

Pushing the door open, I stepped into the air-conditioned room, my eyes whizzing around.

 The small space to my left consisted of two rows of lockers – one row planted to each wall – along with a wooden bench smack-dab in the middle.

I shifted my gaze to find more lockers and matching benches. Sighing in relief, I began venturing further into the room. 

As I stepped closer to the shower area, I heard the soft but distinguishable sound of water drizzling out of a showerhead.

 My heart pounded in my ears, and I dashed for the nearest row of lockers, which – according to my impeccable memory – weren't placed as perfectly as the rest. This special set of lockers had an opening right at the end If I tried hard enough, I could probably squeeze into it.

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