The Human

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Hello! Welcome to my new book! I wanted to tell you that I do make a lot of references to Norwegian lore in this chapter. If you need the definitions of these things, they will be at the end. Also I hope you read the summary, because it provides a lot of needed information. If you haven't, I advise that you read it. Thank you!
"Hmm. You're a pretty one." You complemented the little flower sprouting from the dark earth. You smiled warmly at it and drizzled a bit of fresh water onto it with your makeshift canteen made from hollowed wood. You stood up and brushed off your farm dress. It was a gift from the Nisser(1) you knew.

You continued your stroll through the forest greeting your magical friends.

The forest always seemed to come alive while you were there. Even the most wilted fern or desolate tree would revive at your touch. You were the rå(2) of this forest after all. You were the keeper, the protecter.

You waved at the Tusser(3) excavating their latest tunnel in the side of a dirt bank. They continued their job at hand and paid you little mind. A few twittered at you in what you could discern as a greeting.

Then you came upon another myth sitting on a stone, intently playing his heavenly fiddle next to a miniature water fall. You recognized your Fossgrimmen(4) friend. You walked over and greeted him with one of your famous smiles.

"Hello, Grim!"

He slowly let himself part from his playing and reciprocated the grin.

"Hey, (y/n)! Ready for your next music lesson?"

"I'm just taking a walk. Maybe some other time." You replied.

You said goodbye to Grim and returned to you route around the woods. Everything was fine and dandy in your home and nothing seemed out of place.

Boom! Boom!! Boom!!!

You watched as a green troll lumbered through the forest, snapping any trees in its way like a toothpick.

We don't have trolls around here. You thought.

"Excuse me!" You called after him. You followed his destructive wake through your home. He lead you into the shady part of the forest and simply vanished through the foliage. "Mr.Troll?" You asked empty air.

You scanned the near by area for any sign of the troll. It's very hard to lose an eight foot troll.

While you searched the bushes, a faint sound was heard. It was a strange but familiar sound. You racked your brain for a memory to help. Now you remembered! It was a barely audible voice. You hadn't heard speech since The Viking Age. You stood up and traced the voice to its origin.

You came upon a clearing in the trees. You parted the thick brush before you, to reveal a hunched figure. Luckily, his back was turned to you. You watched it intently, trying to figure out what it was. The figure stood up. Your tail quivered and you retreated back into the tree line a bit more,once you could see it clearly.

It was a human! You were sure it was a male. He had short blonde hair with a pin adorned on his right bangs. He was wearing a dark purple jacket with a lavender scarf over it. It looked like he was chanting an incantation.

You knew you had to leave as quickly and quietly as possible, but your curiosity got the better of you. You inspected him closely. You had heard horrible stories about humans. Apparently, they had sharp teeth dripping with poison and they could tear down trees with their bare hands. This one didn't seem so menacing...

You were removed from your thoughts by that familiar yet foreign sound.

"Show yourself." The human commanded.

Your heart stopped and you did your best to blend into your hiding spot, to no avail.

The human unsheathed the sword at his side and repeated his request.

You had no other option. You carefully crept out from behind him. With the grace and power only contained within a gale of wind, he whirled around, placing the tip of his blade under your chin. You could feel it's icy prick as you gulped.

This is the end...

Thank you for reading! I had so much fun writing out the plot for this story. I'm sure you'll love it too! So, don't worry. It isn't actually the end.

Here are some quick definitions:

1. Nisser: Small, humanoid, creatures, that are usually found living in barns. They are pranksters, but can be befriended easily. Once befriended, they will watch over your home and give you gifts on Christmas.

2. Rå: The keeper or guardian of certain areas.

3. Tusser: Creatures that live underground and are known to make twittering noises to communicate. They are short and ugly, but if you let them marry your daughter, they will gift you good fortune and riches.

4. Fossegrimmen: A handsome young man, usually found around or near waterfalls. He is an extraordinary fiddle player and can play the very music of nature. A mortal man can be taught to play by him on exchange for his soul.

There's some Norwegian creatures and lore for you!~

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