Dream Concert

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this was my english story making thingy so I decided to share it (:


It was a hot and warm sunny Saturday afternoon and Amelie was watching a boring TV show while reading the daily newspaper when her eyes caught on something rather surprising:

“Famous American singer, Lexie Grande, will be having a World Tour this month. This amazing and talented singer will be having concerts and meet and greets during the tour. Rumours are saying that the tour will be called the ‘Daydreaming’ tour where Grande will be singing a few of her songs from her newest album. Lexie Grande will be visiting many countries such as Canada, America, Australia, and England. Tickets and details will be posted in her website, www.lexiegrande.com today, at 3pm. Fans are extremely excited for this tour and have been talking all day about it. More informations to come on her website soon.”

Amelie was very happy that she started screaming loudly and jumping up and down until her mom saw her and told her to calm down.

“Why are you screaming in the middle of a hot day like this?” her mom hissed with an angry face.

Amelie quickly showed her mom the newspaper. Lexie Grande was Amelie’s favorite singer and she has been a huge fan since she was nine years old.

“Please mom, may I go? pleaseeee” Amelie begged.

“No.” her mom replied with anger and walked away.

Amelie was so sad and she went up to her room and started crying softly.

About an hour later, at 3pm, Amelie went to Lexie Grande’s website and spotted that the tickets were already selling. Amelie was devastated but later that night, at dinner, her mom told Amelie that she gave permission for Amelie to go to Lexie Grande’s concert. Amelie was very delighted that she thanked her mom and jumped up and down again. She quickly took her laptop and bought the tickets before it ran out. Her best friend, Carly, who had been Amelie’s friend since they were in second grade, called her soon and asked her if her mom had let her go to the concert and Amelie said yes. Carly was also very excited and she had already bought the tickets too. The concert was in 3 days and Amelie planned to use something special so the next day, Carly and Amelie went shopping at the mall nearby. They went to their favourite store and bought blue matching pants and similar tops and some colourful glitter glow sticks. At around lunch time, Amelie and Carly went to the foodcourt to get some food because they were famished. While they were waiting in line, they spotted their two other friends, Lucy and Phil. Lucy and Phil have just finished eating burgers and were going home. They greeted  each other and sat down together.

“Are you going to Lexie Grande’s concert?” Carly asked Lucy and Phil.

“Yeah, we just got the tickets today and we can’t wait for it!” Phil replied with excitement in his face.

“I would love to get Lexie’s autograph. Luckily, we got front row tickets!” Amelie exclaimed.

Finally the day of the concert came and Lexie woke up at 5am because she was too enthusiastic for the concert. The concert was at 7pm. Carly arrived excitedly at Amelie’s house at around 4pm after Amelie finished getting ready. They still had a few more hours so they played together for a little time. When it was time to go, Amelie’s mom drove them to the arena where the concert was going to be in. They were thrilled to go to the concert and brought the fancy glitter glow sticks that they bought at the mall. After an hour long drive, they finally reached the massive arena and it was starting to get really crowded. Carly spotted Phil and Lucy who was wandering around of which gate they should be in. Carly, Amelie, Phil and Lucy got together and Amelie’s mom left them. They got their tickets from the ticket counter and read:

“Monday, August 15 2013, 7:00pm. Gate 3a. Festival, front row.”

They went in to the gate and went where they were supposed to stand. There were so many people there already so it was starting to be very crowded. The concert started about 15 minutes after they arrived and Lexie Grande appeared on stage.

“How’s everybody tonight?” yelled Lexie.

The audience yelled, “Good!”

“Okay, let’s get this started!” Lexie exclaimed and she started singing.

Amelie tried to get Lexie’s autograph but there were too much people that she couldn’t get through. The concert ended about 2 hours later and Amelie and Carly were depressed that they didn’t get Lexie’s autograph.

“Don’t worry. There will be a meet and greet tomorrow. I heard it from the security.” Phil reminded.

“Really?! Do you know where we can get the tickets for it?” Amelie wondered with excitement.

Amelie found out that there were tickets online and she quickly bought it but the tickets were almost finished. The meet and greet was at 9am the next day and Amelie went there with Carly. They purposely arrived early so they can be first in the line and they arrived at approximately 8am. Amelie and Carly were first to get there among the other people and they were very excited and couldn’t wait. When Lexie Grande finally came, Amelie and Carly were really happy and started shrieking and the security told them to calm down a bit. Lexie sat on a chair and in front of her was a table where the signing would be. As soon as Lexie was ready, the security let Amelie and Carly so they can meet Lexie.

“Well hello there!” Lexie blurred out. “Were you at the concert yesterday?”

“Yes!! It was fantastic and I’ve been a fan of you since I was little! I have been dreaming about this concert and meeting you and my parents finally let me go! ” Amelie squealed because she was really happy.

Lexie smirked and thanked them for coming.

Lexie also signed Amelie and Carly’s poster and they were all very delighted especially Amelie. Carly and Amelie thanked Lexie and Lexie gave Amelie and Carly her phone number and Skype so that they can talk m

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2013 ⏰

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