Chapter 1

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It had been a month now and I have had been having the dreams in the night. I would be in the forest it would be night the full moon appearing in every dream yellow eyes looking at me then surrounding me I would turn around and every were I would look yellow eyes inching towards me as I felt my bones crack there and here the pain as if it were reality I would wince in pain until the pain was over I would look down to find that i would have paws and have eyes the color yellow. I would wake up screaming the night mares have come almost every day this month. I have the odd feeling in my gut, and I don't know wether or not to trust this felling. Is something bad going to happen to me? Is all I could think every night. I can't sleep as I look in the mirror every morning after getting ready for school I see dark eye bags under my eyes. I haven't slept for 2 weeks straight. I am almost 18 years old me birthday is in two weeks. I am in my senior year high school. I go to an unusual school so to speak. it's called creek wood high. I drag myself down stairs and eat break fest. my mother looks at me with a scared look on her face. " how long has it been since you have been having this dream for?" She asked sincere. "I think about a month now." "Charlotte honey I want you to stay home today I need to explain some stuff to you." She was shuddering and I was worried. "Okay." I responded in a concerned voice. "I am going to take a walk ma." I ran out the back door sliding it over. It was night out now and yet my mother still hasn't talked to me the moon was full tonight and I took a walk into the forest hoping to concur my fear hoping to make the night mere go away. as I was walking I saw the yellow eyes making me jolt. it was exactly like the dream I turned around to try to go it was actually starting to scare me. I turned around yellow eyes were all around me now my bones started cracking I screamed out in utter pain. More bones cracking more pain it went on for like a half and hour then the pain stopped out of no were I looked down and saw paws looking at my reflection in a puddle my eyes the color of yellow. It was exactly like the dream I kept telling myself to wake up but I couldn't this was the must utterly terrifying reality. I screamed but a voice in the back of head said its okay don't scream. I thought to myself who is that, the voice responded its your wolf, I was a wolf I'm scared. my bones cracked all over again I just kept screaming in pure agony. after I was changed back to human I ran towards the house not before I saw a glimpse of my mother. all I could think was she watching me the whole time? I ran upstairs and asked my mother "what the hell happened??!!" "Sweet heart your a werewolf." She said astonishment took over my whole face. " Sit down and let me explain." My jaw still dropped open. " the first thing you need to know it's important your Turing 18 in two weeks your going to be meeting your mate in that year." "Okay what the hell is a mate and why is this an important topic to discuss what about the first thing we talk about is the fact I am a giant animal?" A werewolf my inner wolf whispered to me. "A mate is your soul mate you will know this because of the pull it kind of drags you towards them and can't be away from them its physically to painful that is of course of the mating process it would probably get worse for you......" before she could finish I cut her off " Hold your horses the mating process what the hell is that?!" " Alright you have to stop yelling at me and I am going to explain everything!" " the mating process is were your mate bites a part between your neck and collar bone that the mark then you ummmmm..... have to....have....." She gulped "sex?" Well this is awkward is all I thought having to talk to your mother about sex is just really uncomfortable especially in this seminal "Yes thank you for saying it, it has to be a full moon and wolves will know when they can sense it if they accept you you will know......" my mom went on for hours about werewolves and so on and so fourth I read about this kind of stuff I didn't think it was real. The next day my mother was sitting at the table without breakfast on it. Something's up I thought to myself as I approached her and sat down she started to spill. "listen I can't risk you going to school them finding out about you so we are moving to California." My jaw dropped were moving to California but but but we are in Seattle why there???? "i already told your teachers your not going to school today your packing yay!!! We move in three days!!!" And then she ran off with a huge ass smile on her face. i....i.....i. i sputtered In my head I grabbed boxes and headed up to my room to pack it's like time froze when i didn't want it to. Why can't it freeze at the good times. I started just throwing stuff in boxes my anger suddenly taking over me I cleared all my stuff off the shelves and managed to get three boxes out of it. So I started ripping draws out of my dresser and stuffed all my clothes feeling that I was going to be rushed I set aside some clothes for the next three days and mom set aside towels I grabbed my tooth brush and tooth paste and set them aside as well we were almost ready almost everything was packed. We each had a few picture Fames and collectables left we put them in boxes now it was the third day and we were official moving. I walked back into the house felling like we were missing something and I walked into a bare and empty house making me want to cry and then I did I couldn't hold it in any longer. How could you be at a place for so long and not miss it your family your friends so far away. I could hardly even think about it anymore I burst out into tears every time. my mom came in and gave me a hug. "I know sweetheart I know but sugar we have to go we got a plane to catch our stuff is going to get their the day we do. I told her okay and we headed into our Nissan and drove to the airport apparently are car is even being shipped. Holy crap were does she put that money I want some. I mean I am sad but at the time I can't wait till we get there I am excited and sad at the same time. the plane landed and we drove in a rented car there. I gasped I latterly think any air left in me has already escaped my body. The house was huge its a mansion it has 3 not to but 3 floors holy shit!! I soon as we stopped I jumped out of the car and flew inside the door had already been unlocked for us. I ran up the stairs and checked out all the rooms. I went into one particular room that caught my attention is was painted and Aqua color and seemed to be full of life it had a lighting that he just so warm and welcoming it even had a balcony the previous owners must have had to forgot to paint the rooms white again. the room was ginormous. looking around I noticed a double doored something I decided to open it up and it was a closet it absolutely beautiful. the was another door right next to it probably another closet I say to myself I try not to give my hopes up on this kind of stuff. i opened the door and its a pink rose colored bathroom it was stunning the mirror had three doors on it. I don't know if this is a real thing but I'm in house heaven my room was carpeted with a cream colored carpet all through my room only this room each room had its own bathroom and own closet and own carpeting. The floor when you walk out is a beautifully colored shiny milk chocolate brown hard wood floors the stairs are carpeted white. I am admiring thus beauty when I feel a tap on my shoulder. I screamed and my mom was behind me bursting into fits of laughter. once she finally stopped and back to normal breathing. "I need some help unloading the moving truck." she said and finished with a smile she already had a few boxes of her own in her hands. I help finish unloading the truck I may not know where my sheets are but I have my bed in her at least. Dang I need knew clothes. I have to fill the storage in my closet I heard on knock on the door I went out to open it but my mom beat me to it. she opened the door and created our guests with one her million dollar smiles. A guy ruffly around my age came in and another guy can in around mothers age I smelled a scent that smelled like vanilla and honey. I heard the girls voice inside me say MATE. I asked my mother if he was human it a wolf she said a wolf. " I think he's my mate." She was Happy then said "that can't be right your birthday isn't for another week and a half." "I know but I know this for a fact she dragged me by the arm to the private library she owns and pulled out a blue book. She picked up the book it's all about werewolves and his the meet and find their mates and stuff like that I don't know why she has a book like that. But it comes in handy it situations like this. my mother quickly flipped to a page and said this was called premature its were a wolf has a certain time before their 18 birthday were they find their mate early. my mom started crying I hugged her and soothed her why she whispered in my ear "Oh I came lose my baby." In case you were wondering I lost my dad when i was born it wasn't long right after my mom was 18 she found out she pregnant and not to long after that my father found out he had long cancer. and right after I was two days later my father died on the hospital. I just feel sorry for mother she lost her true mate my father. And I know for what she told me must have killed her inner mate. One other you you should no if you mate rejects your you won't die but it will hurt and will leave you for awhile because you need your true mate to live in peace. if they reject you that is the end of your wolf for quite awhile.

Hey guys I hope it's a long enough chapter I apologize for some things I wrote this late at night so I hope I I don't make you to board!

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