Chapter 3

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Niall's POV 

Hartley jogged up apologizing for being late. Her blond hair bouncing as she ran up. He looked beautiful in just jeans and a t shirt. Perfect for the night and place. No one looked a beautiful as her. Ok I definitely liked her more than a friend. I don't think she feels the same way about me though. Hmm I just can't get her outta my mind.

Hartley POV  

Niall looked amazing in the shorts and a just a regular t shirt. Man I wanna kiss him. Wait what did I just say?!? At least I don't think I do. Oh who am I kidding I do like him! But he wouldn't like me back. I mean sure we have things in common but I'm not pretty or popular or smart. Niall interrupted my thoughts by saying "Hartley would you like to sit and have dinner with me?" I laughed. No guy has ever ASKED if I wanted to have dinner with them. But Niall was different, he was a gentleman. I have to say I prefer someone asking me not saying "you,me, dinner Friday." Not really giving me a choice. I was sitting o the blanket about to reach for a roll when my hand brushed up against Niall's, I felt butterflies in my stomach I started to blush. I guess I looked silly cause Niall started to laugh. I went back to grabbing a roll. I toke a bite out of it when Niall said "Hartley I really like you." I started to cough on the roll. Niall patted me on the back. I looked at Niall my eyes wide with fear, not because he said he liked me but because all my relationships were terrible always lied to or cheated on. I looked at Niall again. He leaned forward and kissed me. He kissed me! I started to blush. Niall then toke my silence as a no and sighed loudly. "I know you've been hurt but I really like you but I will wait as long as I have to for you to trust again." "Niall," I started "I like you to but right now isn't this the best time but we can be friends and see where that leads to." Niall smiled "well I guess we better start eating. Cause I'm starving." I laughed, Niall was always hungry.

  -----next day still Hartley's POV-----  I drove over to Keri's house and waited for her to answer the door. She opened it with a sleepy look I pushed past her, and squealed. She gave me a confused look then walked up stairs motioning for me to smile her pink tank top and black shorts "saying hey I just woke up". Once I Keri's room she gave me a "spill it or I will kick it out of you" look. I started saying "you know how at the party I walked off and came back with a guy?" She mumbled a sort of. "We'll he kissed me last night!"   "Omg really?!? What did you say? Who is he?" She started firing question wide awake now.  "Yah! I told him we needed to be friends first and it's Niall Horan."  Her mouth wide open when I mentioned the name Niall Horan.   "What" I asked her.  "You said we should be friends to Niall Horan of One Direction?!?"   "I did?!"  "Yah! Well now is a good of time as any to tell you I'm dating Louis for One Direction. Now you HAVE to meet the boys tomorrow ok?"   Great more boy bands...    A/N  I hope you like it well anyways I'll update when I can

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