Part 1

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This one shot story is dedicated to my bestfriend Dini who is truly, madly, deeply inlove with Jungkook. This is a gift for her birthday at the same time. ^^

Jungkook x Joy


I am a graduating student this year which is why I am so stressed with everything. Final projects, thesis, as well as interviews are eating my brain out. I want a break. A break for all these stress but what I want more is for my stupid boyfriend to leave me alone and stop being so possessive and clingy.

I've been with Jungkook for a couple of years now. He's a year younger than me but that didn't stopped him from courting me 1 day after I met him.

Our first encounter was very funny. I was talking to my friend on the phone that time while walking in the side of the bridge when I noticed a person sitting at the railing just ahead of me. The first thing I thought was that the person is trying to commit suicide so I immediately ran towards the person.

When I was just a meter away, I noticed that it's a guy but I still shamelessly pulled his arm which made him fell backwards and got me too in the process, leaving us lying flat in the cemented bridge floor. My bag and phone flew beside us.

"What the hell?!" The guy hissed and tried to stand up using his right hand but since it landed in my thigh when we fell, I immediately slapped his hand away which was a wrong move because it made him fell back towards me, his back bounced in my chest.

We both groaned simultaneously.

My cheeks turned bright red when I finally realized what our position was. Pushing him away in a rush, I immediately stood up and picked up my things before looking at him, feeling heat in both of my cheeks.

The guy unsteadily stood by himself and threw a glare towards me. "What the hell is your problem?!" He hissed again, but surprisingly in a low voice.

Luckily, he looks uninjured, except of the visible reddening on his right arm which must be the one he used to protect himself from the impact when I pushed him off.

"You were about to commit suicide, I was just trying to stop you," I composed myself and explained.

"Suicide?" He laughed. "I am not trying to kill myself! I don't need another way to die. One is already enough." His last sentence was barely hearable and I arched my brow.

"You're not? Then why are you sitting there?" I pointed the railing at his back."It's dangerous."

"I don't need to explain myself," He frowned and crossed his arms. "Look, I understand your concern and I really appreciate it, but I'm fine. I'm not suicidal. Please just mind your own business next time."

My cheeks turned red again at his words. "Okay. I'm sorry I assumed you wanted to kill yourself earlier," I shyly apologized but I didn't feel sorry for attempting to help him.

I feel sorry for assuming he wanted to die and for pushing him off as well. In fact, I was glad I rushed to his side. If he was really trying to kill himself earlier, that just made me stop a handsome guy like him to disappear from this world. He would be such a waste if he did.

"Never mind," he grunted and dusted himself from the dirt that clung to his clothes from earlier's fall.

Sensing his irritation, I was about to walk away and leave him alone since it's obviously what he wants when he talked again. "Fine, you wanted to help, right?" I stopped and nodded, confused of his question. "Well then, why not accompany me for a cup of tea? I think I need one right now."

And that's how we started to get to know each other. We talked and talked for hours, me still confused why he suddenly invited me but I just shrugged it off. Maybe he just really needed company. Besides, I'm not in the position to say no to a handsome guy like him.

The moment we went home separately that night, I know I already have a crush on him. I found out so many things about him. That his name's Jeon Jungkook, an only child, a year younger than me and just recently stopped his studies. He also told me why he was sitting in that railing, looking ready to end his life.

Apparently he was just unwinding. The peculiar thing is, he has these dangerous hobbies of putting himself in danger to calm himself. He told me a news came by that day and he needed to calm himself, that's why he ended up sitting in that railing. It's quite contradicting but that's just how he said he is.

I felt that there was a major reason for his drop out and the news but I didn't pry further anymore. We just met and I couldn't expect him to suddenly open up entirely to me. In fact, I expected it to be our first and last meeting, but I was proved otherwise. The following day, I was waken up by my brother saying a guy is waiting for me downstairs in our living room.

The fact that Jungkook was sitting in our couch, comfortably chatting with my mother didn't surprised me that much. What shocked me most was his announcement that he'll be courting me from that day onwards.

It was after a month of constant courting that I finally said yes to Jungkook.

At first I was doubtful of his intentions. Who wouldn't, right? Who girl in a right mind would willingly accept that his intention is good when he started courting me right away just a night after we met?

The good thing was, he truthfully told me that at first, he just wanted to try if we'll work out, but another thought came to his mind and instead he thought of me as his getaway ticket from all the mess he's having.

I was, of course, taken aback when he said that. If only he didn't told me that his parents are trying to match him up with someone he doesn't like, I wouldn't have had given him a chance.

It was very stupid of me to give him a chance with that reason, I know, but being me, I can't just stop giving a hand to someone who is in need of my help. He proposed that I don't really need to accept him literally. That I could just at least act as his girlfriend around other people, especially infront of his parents just to get them off his back, but if we're alone we don't need to act anymore. I'll be his title girlfriend in public but with no strings attached.

After a month, I decided to give his proposal a chance. Who am I kidding? I already like him even before he asked me. I was just making the situation a reason to be with him. It was really stupid of me, I know. I know it very much especially since what he said will be just an acting relationship suddenly became real after few weeks.

Then he suddenly changed, and he won't let me go. So now I'm stuck with him.


Hi! This story will be a 3-shot.

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