It all started when Charlotte was out for a walk. She had taken her dog Ginkerbell for a walk around Spud Wood. The farmer had been growing lots of corn for the summer and the corn field was very big. Charlotte whistled for Gink to come, but heard nothing. She walked forward and could see the corn field. Maybe Gink is just playing and can't hear me, thought Charlotte. She was very into taking photos so she took out her camera and snapped a few shots of the corn field. Suddenly, she heard a whimper. "Gink?? Ginky where are you?!?!"
After hours of searching with no luck, Charlotte went home feeling sad. All the way she would hear this rustling, kind of like corn in the corn field. She thought it was just nothing. When she got home finally, she wanted to be cheered up so Charlotte looked through her photos of the day. There was lots of photos of Ginkerbell and some of the flowers. Then she got to the pictures of the corn.
"What's that?" Charlotte pondered thoughtfully. She zoomed in and screen shorted it. She did this a few times. Then she gasped. There, in the middle of the corn, was a face. It was corn girl. Anyone who saw corn girl would be cursed forever. Charlotte dropped her phone on the desk and rushed to the window. She slammed it shut and jumped on the bed, sighing. Then she heard it.
Swisssssssshhhhhh. The sound of corn. Oh no. Charlotte thought to herself, she knew what was happening next.
This is all a joke book and I probably won't carry it on. And I write this at lie, in the morning so don't kill me if the spelling is wrong. Bai o~o