Captured by Russia

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 It had happened. World War III. Nuclear weapons all around. Russia had started it, and the Allied powers were desperately trying to stop him. West America couldn't help but feel sorry for the country. All they wanted was a warm-water port.

But this violence wasn't how you got it.

West America--or "Pacific" as they liked to call you, as West was taken by Germany--was sent on a mission to cross Russia's boarders and try to reason with him. She didn't like the idea, but, well, she figured that she was going to die anyway, so why not doing it while trying to help her brother?

Pacific stood just inside the border of China, staring at the Russian country.

A hand rested on her shoulder and she looked back to see China, forcing a weak smile. Out of all of the countries, it had been the Americas and China who were hit the most.

"Good luck," he murmured.

She nodded, turning back around and taking in a deep breath before running into Russia.

"Um... Russia, sir...?"

"Yes, vot is it?"

"Uh, it seems that... Well, Pacific crossed the border. She's running this way," Latvia finished, wincing.

Russia stood, walking towards the door. "Theen let us velcom her, da?"

"Uh, right..."

Pacific ran. She had to get there before they captured her. She had to talk to Russia, beg him to stop this war.

He's going to capture me and kill me, she thought glumly. Let's hope that he listens, first. Wait a minute, I'm talking daft, here! I'm more valuable alive! If I'm captured... Pacific slid to a stop, logic hitting her strait in the head.

...I just might be able to stop this war.

Russia walked up to Pacific, arms wide. "Ah, Vest Amereeca. Velcom to Mother Russia. I hop you enjoy your stay..."

Pacific shivered.

"Please, Russia, you've got to stop this war! It's destroying the world, please, stop!"

"Did you just com here to beg for me to surrender?"

Pacific stayed silent and looked away.

"I von't stop unteel I hav my vorm votar ports."

"You have them, though!" Pacific shot. "You've got warm water ports! Please, stop!"

"I don't hav enough."

"You seemed to do just fine on your own after the Curtain dropped," Pacific sneered.

Russia looked at her darkly. "Estonia. Latvia. Lithuania."

"Y-yes, sir?"

"Take Vest Amereeca. Throw her een a cell. Let's see how the Allies do veen they find out that their leetle seester has been captured."

"Y-yes, sir..."

Estonia cowered down to pick her up. "I'm sorry," he whispered in her ear. "I don't know what Russia will do, but..."

"...I don't think it will be pretty," Lithuania finished.

And they were right. Pacific was locked in a cell, no way of getting free, with little--if nothing--to eat. She had heard about Russian rule, but this was over the edge.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2013 ⏰

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