They live within us,
Along with angels,
They both live within us all,
Inside of us,
Waiting in silence,
They wait until the moment has come,
For when they emerge.
I place my pencil down on the desk. Closing my eyes, I can see again what all i have been through. With a heavy sigh, I stand up, knocking my chair down. I take my hand and pick up the paper I had just written on.
I walk over to the window and gaze out it. I see the bodies of my dead friends and those i even considered family. I see them among the rubble and ash. A battle had begun and ended here. But my own battle, has only just begun.
These ruins are not what I once remembered about this place. They are what my former home has become. Straight ahead from where I stand, I can see the fountain where the koi fish played all day. To the right of that, the field of grass that had moved around all of the buildings and beyond. I look away from those and to the left at the class room. Not much of one anymore.
I look back inside the dorm room I'm standing in. Scorched furniture here and there. Looking at the desk and chair, I see they barely managed to survive. With another sigh I walks out paper still in my hand.
Troubling times for me. As I walk out and into the wind, I can feel things will never be the same. My home, friends, and family are all now dead. I place my free hand on my chest and whisper, "My heart feels dead now, too..."
I look around and spot a sword. With a small gasp I run over to it. Dropping the paper on the way, I grasp the sword with both hands and start to cry. "Father...," I say aloud through tears running down my face. I cough some and try to hold back the tears, but they keep pushing their way out. "I'm sorry... daddy...," I say as I wipe away the tears with my torn sleeve. Standing up slowly, I shudder and raise my head to face the sky.
Through trembling lips, I scream as loud and as long as I can. As soon as my breath finishes leaving me, I take a deep breath. With rather wide eyes, I gaze up at the sky. Narrowing my eyes and turning my head to look across the land, I yell, " TRY ME!!! BOTH OF YOU!! BOTH MY DEMON AND ANGEL!!! TRY ME AND TEST ME!!!"
Gasping for breath after that one, I clentch the sword in my hand and start my way away from this place. I travel up to a close by hill, where I had spent many days playing. Looking back at the place I once called home, I feel an understanding. The demon and angel inside of me, are testing me and making me who I am ment to become over time. I understand I must go on, and fight the fight life has set out for me across the land.
Turning my back to the life I had once known, I set out with determinded eyes, to find another life.