I'm Not Here To Say Goodbye (BXB)

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A large, public school towered over the many people clambering around at the base of it. Hundreds of windows dotted the walls around the school, rising high, almost to the peak where a small stairway with no door or fashion of seperation is used. The teenagers at the base of the school shoved eachother aside manically to get in and away from the madness. Sat aside from this was a young boy, aged seventeen with short, gelled hair. He wore bright clothes that included light skinny jeans and a black and white checkered shirt. His shoes were similar to the rest of his outfit, a bright green colour sporting white laced and base. Many people passed him, sniggering to themselves, some pointing and laughing blatently, though he seemed ignorant to their insults as his eyes zipped across the lines of his book. To the plain eye, this boy seemed interested in the book, too distracted to listen to other people's thoughts, though only this boy knew that every time he heared a snigger or a joke he held back a tear for the sake of his dignity. He stayed on the small grass part of the school, alone, reading for a few more minutes before he was interrupted. A boy not much taller than the one on the grass advanced towards him, cheered on by a rabble of friends. He marched towards the grass, looking back twice, and ripped the book from the boys hands, shoving it down his tousers.

'C'mon...' The boy sighed, staring at his feet, 'Do we have to do this again?' The taller boy leaned in close and waited a few seconds before laughing hard in his face, saliva spewing everywhere. 'You've gotta be kidding me.'

'What'd you say?' The talled boy nudged him as he attempted to stand up, 'Got something to say to me, pretty boy?' The boys further away began a chant, roaring for a fight. The bully recepted immediately, grabbing the smaller boy by the collar of his shirt and ragging him around a little. He didnt respond to this, he'd been through it all too many times before to care now. He simply relaxed and allowed himself to be beaten senseless. He was thrown back to the floor and contually attacked, punched in the stomache, arms, chest and face. Bruises grew over the current ones and he bled from several places, including his lip and nose. Nobody offered to help, though they all stood there and watched, slightly amused at the attack. One boy began laughing close by and the beaten boy held back more tears, beating back his pain as though he was the bully beating him. After a few minutes the attacks ended and his book wat throw ontop of him, most of the pages ripped out. A girl from the audience pushed past the others that had gathered and barged towards the boy.

'Ryan! Ryan, are you okay?' She yelled as she advanced, waving an arm and scowling as people as she went. He poytails bounced as she ran, stands of dark hair moving senselessly through the air. She knelt beside the boy she called Ryan and gathered a few of his things together.

'Hey, Stacy.' He smiled cassually, 'Thanks for your help.' Ryan attempted to stay positive, though Stacy saw the pain in his eyes, the cuts and bruises dotted over him were evidence of his trauma.

'Let me take you to the school nurse.' She suggested, helping him up and resting a gentle arm on his shoulder. She wore dark gloves that covered most of her arm up to her elbow, though showed her fingers and neatly trimmed nails. Ryan shook his head and began walking, pushing people aside gently and politely to reach the entrance to the school. 'Well, at least let me clean you up myself. You can't go into lesson like this.' Ryan turned to her and licked a little blood from his lip, weighed up his options and headed towards the girls toilates.

Stacy had always stood by Ryan's side, and though he gave up most of the time, she still saw greatness in him, and it was to be expected back. He understood Stacy the way that nobody else had. They all judged her by her alternative styles. She listened to punk rock music, dyed her hair purple and wore dark, gothic clothes, though that didn't match her personality. The black lipstick and netted, spider web-like skirts were all a disguise. She was fairly cheery.

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