Monday night raw main event
Announcement: this is a divas match schedule for one fall
Bella theme hits
A:from Atlanta Georgia she is the divas champion Isabella and her opponent from New Jersey Aj Lee
Aj Lee theme hits
Walks into the ring
Bell ring
I start off by doing the Bella widow
Aj taps out
R:1,2 3A:still your divas champion isabella
Meeting the Bella twins
M:hey Nikki" hey brie
Them: hey Bella
Both:bye Bella
Leaves the arena and goes home
Open and close the door Nikki barks then hides
Everybody: surprised
I gasped
M: awwwwww thanks everybody
I went into my room and Nikki followed me so I went into the bathroom and change into some sexy clothes
Turns off light open and close and go back to party
R:mommy mommy
I saw Jacob and the Cullens
A:hey Bella
M:hi Alice
E:happy birthday Bella
M:awww thanks guys
J:I have something to give you happy birthday
Jake gives me a bracelet with a wolf on it
M:awwww thanks Jake Everybody left so it was me, Nikki, Jake, and Renesemee and we fell a sleep
Next day
I woke up I saw a book on my dresser it was Renesmee's book
M:Renesmee come here
R:yes mommy
M:is this your book sweetie
R:yes ma'am
M:take it in your room k
R:k mommy
Nikki comes into my room
M:hey girl
Nikki: ruff ruff
Bella and Renesmee
RomanceBella gets a call from Sam and says that her daughter Renesmee is here to see her characters Bella as Kelseyw Renesemee