A loud crash over Tokyo's main city, Akimaru, causes panic. Everyone scattering around, like tiny ants fleeing for food. One of Tokyo's largest businesses, Yaki Tako Inc. has been destroyed. This business is famous for selling overpriced goods that you can't get anywhere else. Mostly ancient artifacts, antiques and famous paintings/sculptures.A large chunk of the building slams down into the sidewalk, but fortunately, doesn't hit anyone. This only brings more chaos into the scene. The scene you most likely only see on the news or in video games, thinking "Oh, this'll never happen to me". Those were the thoughts of 4.8 million people before today. "What if I die?"
"Who will take care of my family?"
"Would anyone care about me?"
"Would I be remembered?"But how did this incident happen? Who was behind it? It was only a few days ago that the building was fixed and repaired, yet this very day it was falling apart. This was too well planned to be some natural disaster or strange coincidence. Someone had to be behind this. But they couldn't have done it alone. So who was it?
These were the events that took place on April 23rd, 2013.