The aftermath

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A/N: So I found this on my computer from a long long time ago and I thought hey why not. So if you like the idea read on!

Disclaimer: I do not own anything.

She stood on the dock of the boat, the gun was in her hands. She already had the blood poured on the deck. She was ready to finally end her revenge and the Graysons once and for all. The wind whipped around her, blowing her hair all around. She put the gun down on the seat and a terrible, but not unusual thought filled her mind. What if the plan didn't work what if they weren't arrested, what if...? Her thoughts were interrupted by footsteps she walked over to where she had poured the blood and covered the area with her dress when she saw the figure she relaxed for a moment till she saw them pick up a gun.

The two shoots ran out through the air, like the shot heard round the world. The bullet's voices whispering as they whirled through the air hitting their target and pushing her off the boat, she fell hard and tears streamed down her face as soon as she fell the pain was almost too much, the pressure to close her eyes was like a never ending cycle she wondered if anyone could hear her cries of pain. She started to swim like she never had before when finally the yacht was out of sight and nothing was in sight she stopped she couldn't move it hurt too much. Tears leaked from her eyes but it made no difference no one would know that Emily Thorne had spent her last moments pitifully crying about how foolish she had been no one would know that that was one of Emily Thorne's last thoughts to enter her mind No one will know because that's not how she spent her final moments. Emily let the water float her away. That's how Amanda Clarke spent her final moments She hated Amanda Clarke for being so hooked onto the thought of revenge that she had murdered herself and everyone she cared about.  She changed the, destroyed them, playing with them dangling them by a string and when she didn't need them she cut the string. Like they were one of her victims. One of her victims. Victims. She hated Emily Thorne because she wasn't just one or the other she was Emily and Amanda and both of them had brought terror upon others. But she didn't regret destroying the people she thought were guilty. She hated how she destroyed Nolan her only friend who was always like a big brother, her sister Charlotte who would never know, Aiden... he would have been so much better off without her, Amanda the girl who just wanted a family, Daniel who she had nearly created a monster out of,... the list could go on and on but the waves washed over her and she let her eyes close with a last sight at the stars maybe somebody could know that the night had been calm and peaceful and utterly beautiful when Amanda Clarke or Emily Thorne or Emily Grayson died.

Daniel was taking another sip of his scotch when he heard two gunshots, Emily. He dropped his glass and ran out onto the deck followed by Charlotte and Conrad. He froze when he saw it, the blood it was terrible it was everywhere tears slipped from his eyes as he screamed out her name over an over again. A piece of her wedding dress was caught on the boat he grabbed it before they were herded from the boat to the police station he held it in his hand "Please Emily. Please be okay." He whispered under his breath.

6 weeks later

He woke up on the couch his back aching but he didn't really care he picked up his bottle of scotch and took a sip then leaned his head back against the couch he heard footsteps come up the porch but he just kept his eyes closed .

"Daniel you need to do something it might help." Charlotte said as she sat down next to him. "For starters let's get rid of this." She said in reference to his bottle of scotch. He opened his eyes.

"You're right let's." He said picking it up and bringing it to his mouth with a little smirk.

"No Daniel!" Charlotte yanked it from his grasps and brought it to the sink where she dumped out its contents she then went around looking for more bottles and emptying any she could find.

"Char stop."

" No Danny all you do is sit around in this house you never leave it you do nothing you haven't worked in over 6 weeks I know it's hard but Emily wouldn't want this for you."

" Yeah like Emily didn't want what she got like what she didn't deserve she didn't deserve to be murdered on that boat Charlotte she didn't she deserved to be happy." He paused and started to control his anger. " She just deserved to be happy." He said letting a tear slip. Charlotte rubbed his back like a little baby

"I know Danny I know. And I know this may be too soon for you but..."She paused as if deciding if she was going to say it. " I think we should start planning a funeral."


" I know Dan but she deserves to be properly laid to rest along with the baby and you need to let her go."

" I will never ever.."

" I know wrong thing to say but I think we should have the funeral."

"We don't have a body." He wanted to find her body he wanted to finally believe that she was gone and that he couldn't save her he also wanted to believe that she was still alive out there somewhere.

" We don't need one." Charlotte huffed out Emily's death still shocked her, the only thing more shocking then her death was that Victoria had supposedly killed her. She knew her mother was horrible but to murder Emily when she was pregnant with Daniel's baby...I descend from a murder and a terrorist yeah pleased to met ya. Emily's passing reminded her of Declan. Her sweet, loving Declan who was gone too soon. Because like Daniel she had lost both her love and her baby. She cleared her throat and clenched her hands. Daniel sat down and rubbed his forehead.

"Yeah I'll um I'll think about it." He said and Charlotte hugged him in a hug that was barely reciprocated. She could barely stand to be around him anymore it hurt her seeing him that way. It seemed like he died on that night too and for Charlotte just to stand and watch him rot away without being able to do anything was almost too much. As she left the beach house she wandered over to the symbol carved into the wood Emily had it in a tattoo she remembered it must have been something from Emily's past she ran her hands over it and her tears slipped into the clean wood that barely seemed to notice that its owner was dead and gone. Daniel stood still until he was sure Charlotte had left the porch then he slipped in the DVD and shut all the curtains.

"Do you Daniel Edward Grayson take Emily Rebecca Thorne be your lawfully wedded wife."

"I do"

"And do you Emily Rebecca Thorne take Daniel Edward Grayson to be your lawfully wedded husband."

"I do." Her sweet voice floated through the room and Daniel took out the piece of her wedding dress he had found on the boat he squeezed his hand tightly around it. He squeezed his eyes shut

"Why!" He screamed out flinging his hands at the vase on the table breaking it. He cried out big large tears and stunk to his feet pulling his legs to his chest and holding them there. "Why Why why why!" He screamed out. "Please I just want her back." He said to the ceiling through words muffled in tears.

~ ~ ~

The nurses watched her sleep "So she still doesn't remember anything?"

"No. It's really such a shame then we could contact her family.'

"If she has any.

"If she does and they could take her home but I think the rehab center will be good for her maybe she will remember something there."

"Let's hope." They went back to staring at the blond girl.

A/N: So that's that please let me know how you like it but please no harsh or rude comments.

Have a glorious supercalIdontevenknowhowtospelltherestneitheramiwillingtotry day!

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