Chapter 4: The Blood

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"Carlos?" I said softly.

"Yeah?" He asked.

"Do you think this will ever go away?" I stared at the moon in fear of what will happen.

"I don't know, what do you think?"

I honestly didn't know how to answer that. I mean, Maleficent wants a teardrop of human sadness. My sadness. Unless something bad happens, there will be no sadness there.


"I think I need to break up with Ben." I admit to my best friend.

"What?!" She stared in shock.

"It's not like I want to! I just...I just, I don't even know why. I just don't feel that joy when I see him anymore. He doesn't either! He ran from me the last time." I explained.

"Well, he has been acting strange lately, he seems a bit...meaner." I was confused.

"Meaner? It's probably because of his dad. They were in a fight the other night."

"I don't know, it looks like when he's mean, he enjoys it."


"Well, he called Doug some very mean names and then laughed about it."

"Why am I never there when this stuff happens?" I said to myself.

"Maybe he's lonely. So, maybe you shouldn't break up with him." Evie encouraged me.

"Evie, let me think about it."

"Okay, but think! Make sure you're 100% sure with breaking up with him!"
She walked back to her bed and flopped down.

I just laid back and watched the moon. Then I heard this big howl. I ignored it, there's probably a bunch of wolves in the woods.


"Ben? Ben?!" I loudly whispered as Dude lead me through the woods.
I saw him hiding behind a tree whimpering.

"Ben? You okay?" His whimpering was like a puppy whimpering. His eyes glowed in the darkness. He looked sad.

"Ben? Are you hurt?" He shook his head and looked down. He was naked again. I laughed.

"Ben! It's okay." He came out behind the tree and looked down to me. He was tall and hairy. He looked like Scott from the 80s movie Teen Wolf. He wasn't really that scary, he was just, wolf like.

"Can't you talk?" I asked.

"Yeah." He whispered. He still had the same voice.

I sat with him until the daylight came up. We had fallen asleep by the tree the whole night. I looked over at Ben who was now a teenage boy again. He was covered with a blanket and he had fallen asleep on Dude.

I shook him awake.

"Ben, wake up. Put on these clothes." I handed him some clothes when he finally opened his eyes.

"I swear to God, Carlos, if this is more hipster stuff..." He looked at the shirt and pants and sure enough it was hipster clothing.

I had given him an outfit that was popular in the 80s. It was and oversized men's crop top, with sleeves. Jeans, and a plaid shirt to either wear or wrap around his waist.

"It's hot so I'm wearing it around my waist." That answers that question.

"Carlos? Thanks. It means a lot." I smiled.

"See?! Your heart is already warming up! You should be perfectly fine by-" Ben grabbed my neck and pulled out his fangs and bright yellow eyes.

"If you ever say my heart is warming up again, I will rip your throat out and feed it to Dude." He warned.

"Never mind, you have the coldest heart in all of Hell!" I oddly encouraged.

"Good. Let's go."

We walked back to the campus when Ben stopped out of no where.

"What's wrong?" I asked turning around.

His face turned red and his veins stuck out. He fell to the grass and threw up a ton of blood.

"Ben?! Help! Help! Somebody get help!" I yelled in panic.

Ben's father and mother came up with the gang beside them. They had been waiting for us at a dinner outside which was close to where we were.

"Ben!" Adam ran up and bent down next to his son. He laid him back and held him in his arms.

"Get a doctor! Go!" Adam yelled to his wife. She ran as fast as she could and came back with the campus doctor.

"He's coughing up blood?" We all nodded.

"Okay, I'll need to take a blood sample, but from the blood he has thrown up already." He grabbed a cup and held it under Ben's chin. Knowing he was going to throw up again.

We waited outside the doctors office when he finally came out from testing the blood.

"It's not his blood, it's the blood of what seems like a wolf or a dog." They all seemed so confused, all except for me.

"Well, he did say that he ate raw wolf meat earlier. He thought he could handle it." I lied.

"No, it seems like this is coming from his own system. Adam, you were once a beast. Maybe, he just has your blood in him." Adam shook his head no.

"Carlos. He turns into a beast at night doesn't he?" Adam asked me. I nodded.

"How did you know?" I asked.

"Instinct. Thank you doctor we will be on our way." Adam smiled to the doctor and we grabbed Ben, then we went back to the Kingdom.

"Ben. Your a beast?" Belle asked. He just nodded and looked down to the ground.

"So, Maleficent turned you and gave you a list of two items that you must get before the candle burns out?" Adam cleared up.

"Pretty much." He said.

"We already got the spinning wheel. What else do you need?" Belle asked.

"A teardrop of human sadness. My human sadness." He said sadly.

"Well, okay. Just think of a sad moment and then you'll cry!" Belle told him.

"Mom, I can't cry. She put me under a spell to where I have no clue to what sadness is. Or any emotion for that matter." He said.

"Then do what your father did with the spell," Belle walked up to and then whispered, "break it."


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