Modern Art

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Modern Art is BullSh*t!!!

What is art?

This question has no real answer but if I were asked to give one I would say that art is…Part of the human soul. Our legacy that is we leave behind for others. It manipulates the mind and allows you to feel and stuff. Art is anything from a piece of paper with crayon scrabbles to a 24 by 36 oil painting.

But I don’t Modern Art fits in with other arts not because I don’t think its art but because modern art comes with a stuck up attitude.

If shown a photo of a squirrel sitting on a fence with its head looking behind it. Then asked what does this have to say to the viewers?

A normal answer I would give is… “Squirrels can balance really good on a fence.”

A artsy fartsy answer I would give is… “The squirrel represents All people making their way through life. The squirrel looking back symbolizes our past and the decisions we make toward the future. The conflict the squirrel is facing is if he should continue down this unknown path or go back and stay where they can live the rest of their days in the secure feeling of familiarity of their unchanging would.” (Isn’t that ‘deep’ of me? lol)

All that out of a picture of a damn squirrel.

Once again I say Modern Art is BullSh*t!

What are your feelings on modern art?

I clearly don’t like it. Or maybe I don’t like it simply for the BS meanings people try to place on those works of Art.

The reason for this rant is because of a girl named Mara.

I went to school today to take a Spanish class placement test. (Just cause you can speak it doesn’t mean you can read it or write it. That’s called illiterate. Lol) So I could register for my Fall classes. School is coming up way too fast.

Anyway  I ran into the girl, Mara, and she had a painting that she had did in art class or something. I asked her if she needed any help cause she was carrying a ton of  stuff. Once we got the stuff to her car she asked me what I thought of her painting. I said cool colors. I had no idea what it was supposed to be of, that’s why I said what I said.  She then when on talking about it. For some reason I asked her what it was supposed to be. She said people on the beach and two sail boats in the ocean and went on about it being an abstract painting. It just looked like colors to me. 

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