The Living One Book 2 Retracing Steps (Chapters 1&2)

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This picks up where the first book left off. You will not really understand what Anna is refrencing when she is explaining to the reader that she has to leave. Why she is leaving? Well, she is leaving because she over heard Emilia and Dr. Evens talking about how they were going to use her and then just leave her. If you have any questions I'd be happy to answer them, just leave a comment below and if you like it please leave a comment too... Hope you like it.


Chapter 1

~ Dr. Evens ~

          When he came into the room I didn't know exactly what to think. I guess in my head for the few seconds I had known his real purpose for coming here, I pictured him evil looking. You know what I'm talking about, pale, hidden eyes, dark jacket that flows behind you, and a devilish smirk planted right onto their face, that looks as if it had been there their entire life. I was picturing him like that. But when the doctor walked into the room he looked absolutely normal, aside from his smirk.  He had a white lab coat, and pens sticking out of the pocket, white rubber gloves on, a surgical mask and a stethoscope hanging around his neck, and a pad of paper along with another pen in his hands. A normal doctor, with a smirk. It was not even an evil looking one. It was just a smirk, that quickly faded. When I got a better look at him I noticed he was bald, had a nice watch- almost too nice for a doctor- and carried in a white bag with a red cross on the front that he placed just inside the door. I looked him over, time and time again, trying to find something evil about the guy, but it was nearly impossible.

"You alright?" Emilia said noticing my seeming captivation of the doctor.

"Yeah fine," I replied not looking over at her, still staring at the stranger that recently walked into the room.

"You're sure?" She said, seeming worried.

"Yeah, I'm positive," I said looking over at her with a smile, knowing that if I didn't relocate my gaze she would continue asking.

"Alright then, this is Doctor Evens, I called him over after I suspected that you had done something to you head." Emilia said motioning over to the doctor, still standing in the doorway.

"Nice to meet you," I said almost sarcastically returning my gaze back to him, looking for any changes he may have made as I was looking the other direction. I didn't trust him, not at all.

"The pleasure is all mine," Mr. Evens said back to me walking more into the room. "Now if you don't mind, Anna is it?" I nodded my head, "Yes, well I'd like to take a look at your head," he was now right beside the bed. The bed I had run back to in a hurry after figuring out why Mr. Evens was really here and why Emilia took me in so quickly. I looked at him and then realized, when did I ever tell anyone here my name?

"Excuse me doctor," I said waiting to stop him in his tracks

"Yes?" He replied.

"How do you know my name? I know I don't remember much after waking up," I sad with a little smirk of my own, "but I distinctly remember not telling anyone here my name."

All he did was look at me like he couldn't come up with a reason for knowing my name, and that is all I needed. It was a perfect excuse to leave and let the two of them talk as I run away from this place. It was also proof that they were only here to use me, then throw me away like some old toy a child grew out of.

"Sorry, did I miss something?" I asked as the both of them exchanged glances and then looked at me again. The hardest part in all of this was trying not to laugh. I knew they both looked upon me thinking I was a dumb little girl without her memory. But I'm so much more than that. Even after loosing my memory, I'm not stupid.

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