Devon's P.O.V
"Spencer why are you at school" I said.
"Maybe so I can learn"
"I thought you were in Louisiana" I said
"I was then we came back early because Julia and Maddie were starting school"Spencer said.

"I didn't think you would be back till october"
" Well I'm not so what happened when I was gone"Spencer asked
"Well nothing really but I'm in glee club again"
"Did you sign me up"She asked.
Oh hey I forgot to tell you that my name is Devon and my brothers is Shawn . So I'm a sophmore.
"Of course what kind of friend would I be if I didn't" I said
"Your not supposed to answer that"
"Oh" She said.

(A/N Ok this book will be long please follow pocorn_woman because that is Spencer and me thanks love ya.)

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