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WARNING: this book with contain swearing and violence scenes

I rushed up the steps of my house and fumbled around in my bag to find the keys. I quickly unlocked the door and rushed in. I dumped my bags on the floor and hurried to the kitchen to start the dinner. I can't believe I got a detention for the first time ever at school.

I'd been getting on with my work quietly when the boy next to me started to question me as to why I was wearing a long sleeved top in the middle of summer. It didn't bother me at first but then he kept coming up with stupid idea as to why I was wearing it and the rest of the class was laughing and joking along with him. I kept quiet and continued my work as I usually do. I get asked all the time about why I cover up so much. "Are you one of those Christians who covers up and has really really high values and morals" one girl laughed. "Or have you got some illegal tattoos on you. Omg show us" another said. Then, when I didn't reply, the boy next to me poked me in the side. It sent searing pain straight through my body. I stood up in shock and slapped the boy "you don't know a fucking thing about me" I yelled. The teacher of course heard and sent me to the principles office. He asked me why I reacted in such a way but of course I lied and just said I didn't know why. He let out a sigh and said that I have detention all week.

So that brings us to now. I'm an hour and a half behind schedule and need to cook and clean the house before he gets home. I quickly changed into something more comfortable because wear long sleeved tops in the summer was unbearable. I changed into some shorts and a red cut off top. I stared at myself in the mirror for a while and a tear ran down my cheek. I examines the purple and black coloration of my skin as I run my fingers over my stomach and arms. The raw memories of last nights 'events' replayed in my mind and the pain increased where my fingers were. There was no reason for beating me last night, he just came home in a bad mood and once again took it out on me. It all started 8 months ago when my mom died...I didn't even get time to grieve because the abuse came shortly after her funeral.

I started to get the dinner on the go when the door suddenly opened. I froze. He's back early! Whys he back early? He's never back early! My heart beat increased as I heard his foot steps come closer. I breathed in and out before turning around to face him.

"H..hello daddy, how was your day? Is there anything I can do for you" I said quietly looking at the ground. He makes me say those words every night when he gets home. It makes me sick but i literally can't complain. I'm not allowed. Simons not even my real dad, he's just my step dad.

He walked closer to me and lifted my chin up. "Sky, such a pretty face you have" he said as he stroked my cheek. I sucked in my breath, knowing what was probably coming. however, much to my relief, he didn't touch me. Instead he move away slightly and his eyes widened and looked after the kitchen before focussing back on me. There was a slight silence before he broke it.

"Sky, whys the cleaning not done and why isn't dinner ready for me on the table?!" He shouted.

I gulped and stuttered. "I...I...you're back earlier then usual and I...I..didn't have time to clean...yet" I said very fast. He stepped closer and this time, I knew i was in for it. Oh sky how wrong you were before...did you really think he'd go a night without hurting you?! You silly little girl.

I didn't have much time to think about anything else as I felt his fist come into contact with my eye and cheek. It was a shock to the system. He's never touched my face before...he's always careful to make sure that i can cover up his remains that are left on me.

"I've had to put up with your shit sky for far too long. You're going to pay for your mistakes" he whispered to me as he punched my stomach making me fall to the fall and knocking the air out of me. I let out a yelp as the the pain was increased. He kelt down and punched my face again. I cried this time. I never do because that only leads to more violence. But the pain was too much.

Simon smirked and stood up. " get up sky" he sing songed in a creepy way. I tried to do as he said but the pain of my stomach was preventing me. He pulled me up by my arm and pushed me against the wall and planted a rough kids on my lips. What?! I tried to pushed him away. "Time to give up your oh so precious virginity sky" he said. It took me a second to realise what he was saying and that he'd actually just kissed me. I panicked and tried to get free. I shouted but he covered my mouth.

I grabbed the nearest thing too me which happened to be a pan and whacked him over the head with it. Suddenly all the pressure he was putting on me was gone as he fell to the floor. I stood there for a minute in shock and relief at the events that had just occurred. Simon was laying out cold on the Tiled off of the kitchen. I have just knocked out the man who tried to sexually assault me and beat me. I ran my fingers through my hair thinking about what I should do. Then all the pain I had somehow forgotten about in the last few minutes, returned and I realised I could taste blood. I looked in the mirror to see my lip was bust and the whole left side of my cheek now matched the pain and colour of my stomach and arms.

I looked down at the monster who had caused me so much physically and mental pain and at that moment I knew this was my chance to escape. I grabbed my coat and shoes and ran out the house leaving all my belongs behind.

Hii guys!

This is my new story! It's a green day fanfic (Billie being the main male in the story and sky the main female). It's a rewrite of my first book "save me, billie joe armstrong". (Don't bother reading it because this is the new, better version and I will be deleting the old book soon).

Ideas for the book are always loved! So just dm or comment your ideas to me and I'll try and include them in the book and of course give you a mention for your help.

VOTE AND COMMENT pls!!! Comments are really appreciated by me because I like interaction with my readers.

COMMENT here who you think should play sky------------------>

Much love

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