Chapter One

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I flick the end of my cigarette, causing the ashes to scatter in the wind. It's raining again today, so I'm trying to finish my before school smoke faster than I usually would. Today is my first day in my new school, but I'm not too stressed out by it. With my mom's job, we have to move a lot. She said that this is the last move for awhile, but I doubt it. That's what she said last time, and the time before that. And now that I think about it, the time before that as well.

I take my last puff off of my cigarette as I remember what caused me to start smoking in the first place. I so wish I could tell you that the cause was something cool, or something that makes me seem noble, or something that makes sense. But, the reason I've stopped is because I wanted the only people that would even talk to me to be friends with me. This was about three schools ago.

Back then, I was completely ignored. People just walked by me and stuck their noses up, so I was thrilled when seemingly cool kids walked up and started talking to me. I walked around school with them, which led to me skipping my third period math class, but I didn't really worry about that. We went outside and they lit their smokes up, they asked me if I wanted one, I said no. They said if I wanted to be friends with them, then I should change my answer. Without giving it much thought, I changed my answer and thus the habit of smoking was born.

Looking back on it now, I know that I should have told them to take their smokes and shove them, but I look at me smoking for what it is; just another thing that I do. You see, back then I actually put a lot of thought into what people thought of me. I would do whatever anyone said as long as it would mean that they liked me. I tried so hard to mold myself into someone that wasn't myself. When I came to grips with who and what I was, I learnt to accept it. Now, I don't give a damn if anyone likes me.

I throw the cigarette onto the road even though there is clearly a place to put the smokes right by the stairs for the school. I fix the strap on my book bag as I make my way into the school. My mom told me the first place I need to go is the office. As I enter the school, I see that the office is on the same floor, so it's easy to find. Thank god. The last thing I need is to get lost on my first day.

A large woman with grey roots giving away that she's not really a blonde sits behind a desk. She looks up at me and sighs as she puts her book down. "Who are you and what do you want?" She asks.

I knit my eyebrows together as I walk up to her. "Louis Tomlinson and my schedule." I say, giving her the tone that she gave me. I've never been one to bite my tongue, so depending on how she's going to treat me, my first day here could potentially actually be interesting.

"And you suppose it's my job to give it to you, yeah?" She asks. "I'm not responsible to replace something you lost."

"Didn't lose it." I say. "I'm new here. So, I suppose that it is your job to give it to me, yeah?" I ask, once again mocking her tone.

"I'm not a fan of your attitude." She tells me as she presses a few buttons on her computer.

"And I'm not a fan of your grey roots, but you don't see me complaining about it." I tell her.

"Whatever." She says, handing me a piece of paper. "That's your schedule, now get out."

"It's been a pleasure meeting you." I say. "You seem like a lovely lady." I smirk as I walk out of her office.

I look at my schedule as I walk through the halls. My transfer was sent in too late for me to be able to choose my own classes, so your guess is about as good as mine for what the hell classes I'll be in. "Okay, first class history, room 304." I mumble to myself as I make my way to the stairs. I have to walk up two flights. To be honest, whenever I do pick my own classes, I don't really care what they are. I just care that they're all on the same floor. I don't want to be anything that they can teach me anyways. To be honest, I don't really know what I want to be.

When I walk through the second floor, I see that for a fairly small school, the halls sure are crowded. This is going to be fun every day. Just as I'm about to go onto the stair case that takes me to the third floor, somebody bumps into me, snapping me out of my thoughts. "Hey, watch where you're going!" I yell as people look over at me and whoever I just bumped into and start laughing.

"I-I'm sorry." He stays. "I must have not looked at where I was going."

"No," I say and sigh. "I'm sorry. I wasn't watching where I was going, I was reading my schedule." I tell him. I almost feel bad for snapping at him like that, he seems so defenceless. "I'm new and a bit on edge, don't mind me."

"Don't worry about it." He says as he bends over picking up my schedule that I didn't even notice that I dropped. "Here." He says, handing it to me.

"Oh, thank you." I say, looking back down at my schedule. I'm not completely confident of which way to go. Everything here seems backwards. "You grew up here, yeah?" I ask, mostly just making conversation at this point.

"Unfortunately." He says. "You're new?" He asks. I just nod. "Which school did you go to before this one?"

"Which time?" I ask and laugh a little. "I move around a lot."

"Yikes." He says.

I shrug as the bell for class goes off. "Damnit. I should go." I say. "I'm Louis."

"Nice bumping into you." He says and smiles, Though the joke was terrible, I can't help but smile back at him. Maybe it's his dimples, but something about his smile is contagious. "Sounded better in my head. Either way, I should go. You probably don't want to be seen with someone like me. Epically not on your first day." He says, running off.

"What do you mean?" I ask. "And what's your name?" I call down the hall. But, soon I can't see him anymore. He's disappeared into the large group of people that roam the hallway.

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