I'm Not That bad...

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“Come on Eva, check if they are there.” I said. I throw my book bag over the fence and jump over too. “Fine! But you got to hurry.. you know they pass here a lot.”  Eva said. I said “ I know I know I know…. Your acting like if I care.”  She stayed back there and kept a watched.  I opened my book bag and took out 3 spray cans. I looked up at the wall and tried to think of what I need to add. I picked up the black can and shacked it a little and put on a my bandanna over my nose and mouth and began to spray.  I spent 20 minutes spraying. I mumbled under my breath “At lone at last we can sit and fight.. our ode_”

“Alice! There here!” Eva yelled. I look up and I see the blue and red lights flash brightly.  I began to throw everything  inside my book bag and I said “Eva begin to run, you know where!” She nodded and began to run. I grabbed my book bag and began to run.  I hear one of one of the officers “ Stop right now and put your hands on the air and stop running!” I began to laugh.. Idiots they think they can stop me. I then hear footsteps stomping close to me. I turn and I see two police me coming toward me. Dang! They’re getting close to me. I turn over to the right and go to a dark alley. I see the broken gate that I could probably fit in to. I throw my book bag over to the other side and I open the cracked gate and I squeezed in. I could feel my hoodie rip. I finely got out of their I could feel some cuts on me but I not paying attention to it. I grab my book bag and I run.  I turn around and I see the two cops stop and they began to shout. One of them tried to jump over the fence but stuck his foot in the whole I went through and didn’t seem to notice and he fell in the empty boxes full of crap… ha ha idiots.

I jump over some boxes and go I open a gate door and I put on my hood and I began to walk through the streets. I spot my friend Alice almost a block away from me. I started to pick up pace and I run toward her. She saw me and nodded and began to slowly walk toward me. When I met up with her she began to laugh and she said “ So they still haven’t gotten you? How do you keep getting away?”

I looked at her and said “Why the hell you asking me? You get away with this stuff too! I’m surprised you still have your life.”  She laughed and said “True… and its almost 4 am….. we have go you know your mom and da-“ “I know! And also yours too…. You know lets go I don’t wan to deal them…” She stood silent for a moment and said “Fine, come on” 

We began to walk up to our house. Non of us said a word. Its usually like this every time we get into that conversation. She waved good bye and went to her apartment. Her mom and dad and her 3 brothers lived there. I felt sorry for her, but pity gets you nowhere.. so screw it. I ran toward my “house”… home sweet home… mom cooking  delicious food waiting for me with a big hug… Daddy sweetly smiling! Waiting for me calling me daddy little girl… HA xD. Not even in a million years. All of this is pathetic. All full of bs, none of this is true my mom doesn’t do none of this.. we barely look at each other. My dad is probably “Working”.

I go to the side of my house and  get on top of the garbage cans and climb up the roof. I go to my room and open the window and I jump in.  I threw my bag at my bed and I close my window and I turn on my lamp and I get on my desk and I began to finish part of my homework. I stayed up until 5 o’clock and I pack all stuff and I throw it in my book back. I turn off my alarm clock and I laid down in my bed, and I pulled the covers over me.  I just want life to end right now!

~Morning time -_- (sleepy)

I feel the covers being lifted from me and I feel somebody pulling my shirt. I open my eyes and I see my dad. I look around and he looked pissed. Great what didn’t I do.  He slammed me on the wall that was next to me. I yelled “What the heck!? What’s wrong with you?!” I tried to get out of his grip.  He yelled “Get the **** up and get out! You’re GOING TO MAKE ME LOSE MONEY!”  He slapped me and threw me back on the bed and got closer to me. He had a strong smell of alcohol on his clothes, and some drugs. I began to freak out.  My heart began to beat faster…… I said “Fine…fine…. Just please move.” He laughed and said “Good girl” and then he kissed my forehead.   I moved my head and then he got off me and got out of my room. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2013 ⏰

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