AN : this story is not as it was at the actual massacre suspects have been created and I gladly didn't attend it but I am using some info from the news please pray for all the victims hope you enjoy.
( piano riff) " Hello , Madison speaking" Madison said picking up her phone. " Hey Madi , it's me Natalie are you ready for me to pick you up? I asked grabbing my keys and bags. " Umm yeah so who else is coming again " Madison replied. " You, me , Gia , Jake, Sam , and Brady. The boys are going to meet us at the airport then we'll all go to Boston together" I replied . " Okay well see you in a bit " she said hanging up the phone . I hopped into my car then realized I'd left my phone behind so drove back and got it .I'd finally reached Madison's house and honked . She came outside dressed in a pink warm up suit. " Hey " she shouted waving in my direction . I waved back smiling. " Cute outfit" I said opening the door for her as she popped her luggage into the trunk. " Thanks I got it at Coach . Oh and I got you a purple one and Gia a blue one" Madison replied pulling them out of a gift bag. " Aww thanks , can you call Gia and tell her we'll be there in like 15 minutes" I asked driving off. " Kk " she said dialing in her number. " Hey " Gia answered . " Hi were on our way over to your house we'll be there in about 15 minutes" Madison said . " Okie dokie later love " she said ending the call. We drove off listening to One Direction . We arrived at Gia's . She was already waiting outside . " Hi guys" she said dragging her bags to the trunk . We both waved through the window. " Here I got it for you " Madison said handing the blue warm ups to Gia. " Aw thank you so much they're adorable" Gia replied joyfully.
We finally reached the airport and saw the boys . " Please tell me we don't have to wear those warm ups too" Jake said smirking as he grabbed Madison's bag. " Haha no you don't " Gia said handing her luggage to Sam. Brady and I were paying for everyone's plane tickets. " Don't worry I'll pay all of the tickets " Brady said pushing my hand from the lady . " Thanks" I said putting my credit card back in my wallet. We all sat in the waiting area for at least 45 minutes. " So who else is as excited as I am " Gia asked . Everyone shouted me in unison. " Plane 205 will be taking off in 15 minutes but you can still enter the plane now " a lady announced on the intercom. " Oh that's us " Sam said grabbing his luggage . Everyone put there luggage on the machine that carries them to the people on the plane." Alright vamanos " I said as we stepped into the plane . The three girls sat together and the boys sat right across from us. " Welcome passengers today we will be flying to Boston , Massachusetts we will probably arrive in about 5 hours now please raise your hand if you would like to have breakfast already or we can wait until 8:00 ." 30 minutes won't hurt" Gia said . So everyone waited till 8. (30 minutes later )
" Ok I will be saying the three types of breakfast you can choose from so please raise your hand for which ever you want and remember only vote once . So who would like oatmeal 12345 ok now who wants potato and egg tacos. They served us our food and we ate it all up. The 5 hours passed .
" Were finally here" I said with excitement exiting the plane. We registered ourselves into a fancy five star hotel.After that we headed to go and eat lunch downstairs. " What floor" the elevator man asked. " 12 please " Gia replied. We all exited the elevator."Good afternoon " the waiter said with a small curtsy . " Hello table for 6 please" Brady replied. " Yes ... right this way please" he seated us at a tall table. " Thanks" Sam said with a gentle smile. " No problem, what would you all like to drink" he asked. " 2 sweet teas , 1 peach balini tea, 1 doctor pepper , and 2 sprites " Madison replied .they delivered the drinks and we ordered then ate.
We returned to our rooms and prepared for tomorrows big race. ( day of marathon) . We drove over there and the streets were filled with more than a million people and contestants. " ready set go !!!!!" the announcer said. Everybody ran off. The six friends seemed to have split up. BAM! " what is that" I asked the person next to me . Then I felt the ground shake I lost my balance a bit but got back up everyone was running and crying and screaming once they realized it was a bomb. 10 seconds after the first another went off my heart was racing I began to get disoriented and then I BLACKED OUT!!!!
JM: if you would like to be in my story please answer this question correctly. What is Justin Bieber's middle name ? I'm only accepting the first three answers so do it quick. Also choose a name please thank you I hope you are enjoying it so far.
AN: I only have two winners so far but since ressespieces23 told me to update my story I did but I still need one more person to answer my question.
Ressespieces23 as Rylynn
Jennasmiles1 as Emerald.
( asleep but can hear loud screaming and crying) " Where am I " I asked looking around only seeing trees. " Help!" a teenage girl yelled from a short distance. I got up and ran/ limped to find the person. " Hey your gonna be ok " I said to the teenager .
" Who are you " she asked with a confused face. " Don't worry I won't hurt you I promise" I said reaching for her hand to allow me to pick her up off the ground. "My name is Jake" I added." Hi my name is Emerald ... Emerald Scoggin " she said getting up. " Thats a beautiful name. Anyway do you know what happened ? " I asked . " Yeah there were two bombs that blew us all up" em replied ."Well it's getting pretty dark out we should try to find shelter " I said familiarizing my surroundings .
" Natalie wake up, Nat can you hear me " a girl with a soft sweet voice asked. ( slap! ) I woke up right away. " What was that for " I asked rubbing my cheek (an: and not those cheeks ) I couldn't see to well . " Rylynn is that you" I asked . " Yeah " she replied . I jumped up with the worlds biggest smile and gave her a huge hug. ( she was my best friend in elementary and I haven't talked to her in forever because she moved to Canada) " Good your okay" she said with a sigh of relief. " I could've been okay if wouldn't have slapped the poop out of me" I replied with a gentle smile . We noticed the sun going down and began searching for shelter. We built a leaf- tent with a small fire outside and made mid- plush beds of cotton we found nearby ." I'm hungry are you " Lynnz ( Rylynn) asked. " Well kind of . One of us needs to go find food and the other will stay ." I said with my worlds famous thinking face . " Good plan . I see that our twin brains are still working .Anyway I'll stay you go find food . " Rylynn agreed. I ran off to go and find food with an exceptionally thick,sharp stick clenched in my hand. After a few minutes I found a big honey bee nest. I shook it down so all the bees could leave then lit my stick on fire and shoved it into the cone . The fire burnt the remaining bees . I slowly stuck my hand in the cone and got a big scoop of fresh sweet honey.then head back to our shelter. On my way back I heard a sound in the bushes so I ran faster . I heard the sound following me then . Something pulled me into the bushes, with it's cold hands on my mouth and eyes.
AN: Sorry I didn't write much I still need one more winner so I can update my story .
And the last part goes to iheartpikachu1234 as well she hasn't chosen a name yet so I'll update once she tells me :D
ATTENTION !!!!! iheartpikachu1234 has chosen her name and it is MAYLEE !!!!
RP23: JM don't put so many exclamation points Miss. Tressler is gonna get mad.
JM: why?
RP23: because she doesn't like people to express their feelings
JM: like the way we do for mustaches?
RP23 : yeah and like Bryce's love for unicorns .
Anyway on with the story