The Attack

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“Listen I don’t have enough time. They know where I am. The

Alien Digey has been on our planet for God knows how long. They’ve

been watching us, studying us. They know every single thing about

everyone. If they catch you, there’s no escape. They will mutate you

into one of them. They’ve been planning to take over. The Digey mo-

AAAHHHH!!!!..*Beep ** Beep ** Beep* “

As the transmission ends, I couldn’t believe that I have been

surviving this long. It’s been 4 years since the Alien’s attacked

Winnipeg. Every time I look out the window all I see is destruction,

everywhere I go, I have to be careful, I have to hide, but I’m sick of

hiding, I want to fight. My name is

Justin Hargrove and this is my story.

“Wake up Justin! Wake up!” I wake up, with everything still a

blur, everything unclear, I saw a very tall man.

“ Dad? What’s happening?” I asked.

“We can’t stay in this bunker much longer, We have to go

now! Pack everything you can, Food, Water, Clothes, guns!” my dad


“Guns?” I asked.

“What’s the problem?” My dad asked with curiosity written on

his face.

“It’s just that, I have never held or shot a gun before” My dad

stopped packing, And he looked at me and said,

“Son. You have too. I can’t just keep protecting you. You have

to provide for yourself. You are not a kid anymore!”

Everything just seemed to move on so fast. I cant shoot a gun,

but I have too, for my dad.

“Lets go! Quickly through here!” He yelled while pointing to

a small tunnel. I followed the tunnel straight. The stench was so

unbearable that the only way I could explain it was by saying that it

smelled like, A boy’s change room that has not been cleaned for 2

weeks. Anyways, me and my day kept following the tunnel until we

reached the end, there was a another hole

leading into a room, probably in the sewers.

“Where are we going?” I asked dad.

“Were going to meet up with John and Mark”

John and Mark? John and Mark are my two older brothers.

They both went to army school, They’re tough, they were members of

the spec ops team that killed Osama Bin Laden. We finally reached

my brothers bunker, I opened the door to see an unconscious Mark

laying down on the floor. My dad tried to wake him up.

“Mark! Wake up! Where’s John?!” Mark slowly regained

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2013 ⏰

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