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A couple hours earlier.....

"Ugh eevee I can't believe we lost the gym battle" Tyler Yelled

I stood frozen in some what tears, I couldn't believe I let master down.

" You know what? Just leave! I don't need you go find your own friends" He screamed in frustration

I...didn't know what to do I tried my hardest to win but it wasn't enough sadly.
He grabbed a poke ball, I started to back up a little....

" Go Fennikin! Use ember on eevee!" Tyler told Fennekin

Fennekin didn't want to but she knew she had to. I started to run into the forest looking for my friends, I saw them in the bushes I was going to tell them but I was to afraid to.

Eevee's P.O.V
As I was dropped I ran, sooner or later I knew I was going to be tried then I keep hearing thing behind me. I wanted to help but I knew I wasn't strong enough then I saw it, It was a horde of joltiks

" Please don't hurt me! " I said

They all looked at eachother and walked back into the darkness then I heard it again,
More and more battling in the back it sounded like Murkrow but I wasn't sure I wanted to see them all again they made me feel... Like I was special to them I always looked up to Umberon she was like me once, an innocent little eevee now she is one of the toughest Pokemon I knew. Then I heard it a thunder bolt in the back...

Thanks for reading! For chapter 4 go visit user:

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