Blank Woods

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Blank Woods

By: Sidney Wallace

Chapter 1

"There is always an end to life. You may die of old age or it may be just a mystery. There are crimes and investigations around the world, maybe from Germany or from where I live, America! Dumb myths go around about things like for example, Jeff The Killer with his pale, leathery skin, or maybe a myth about The Blob. Those things aren't even real! They are only real if you see them but I'm pretty sure you won't. Well, I know some myths are real but not every." Abby just stood there right in front of the class staring at everybody with a smiley grin on her face.

"Thank you Abigail, you may take a seat." Said Mr. Willmack with a not believing her type of look. "Ok Ace, it's your turn to tell your report over the summer, please come up."

I cleared my throat and stood up walking to the front of the teachers desk nervous but alert that I was going to get a bad grade for a report that doesn't even sound real.

"I would like to tell you all about my summer break and what happened. This may not sound real but it is...." As I continued, I glared around the class room with 28 pairs of eyes staring directly right at me.

"I was walking home from school on a hot day just excited to get home so I could play some video games on my Xbox360, but I just had the feeling to go into the woods. So, I walked onto my favorite trail an...

The bell rang before I got to the part that people won't believe me about, but it was ok because I really didn't want to read that. This day just keeps getting better and better!

"Ace, I would like to talk to you." Mr. Willmack said as I put one foot out of the door. "What is with all this myth stuff like Jeff The Killer or.. Smiley Dog? I wanted TRUE information about people's reports."

"Sorry, I don't know but I better go or else I will miss the bus."

"Ok, see you tomorrow at conferences."


The bus dropped me off somewhere that I haven't seen before. It was cold, wet, and foggy. Also, it was a little strange that my bus driver didn't drop me off at the corner where he normally does. I walked down the street for a couple minutes then I started recognizing everything. I was close to home, about 3 minutes. It felt like somebody was watching me so I looked around, but didn't see anything. As I walked a couple more steps I started to speed up and then I could see one side of my house behind a tree.

"Finally." I said with a big simple sigh. "I wonder why he didn't drop me off at Aker Street. He normally does."

When I reached the door step I started turning the knob, but it was locked. My mother never locks the door when she is home?

"I guess I will just go around back!"

As I walked around back I heard a weird humming noise coming from my pocket. It was my phone. I ignored it and checked the back door handle and it was unlocked. I went in, took off my shoes, threw my bag on the kitchen table and called out "MOM!" No answer. "MOTHER!" When I called the second time, I heard a moan from her bedroom. She was laying on her bed. She looked very pail and sickening to even look at.

"MOM! What happened to you?!" As I yelled, I ran to her side and stared directly at her.

"Call 911. I think I....."

That's all I heard until I heard her very last breath. I took out my phone and dialed 911. It rang then a lady answered the phone.

"Hello, what is your emergency?" She said.

"My mom stopped breathing! We need an ambulance and quick! I don't know happened!"

"Ok, just calm down. What is your address?"

"5983 Mandel Drive, North Avenue Main." I was getting very worried.

"Just stay on the phone with me, everything is going to be alright. We sent out an ambulance."

"Thank you so much! But please hurry!"

I started to hear an ambulance not far from the house and so I ran out the front door and started to wave my hands right as soon as it turned the corner. It drove into my drive way and two very tall men rushed in through the door and into my mother's room carrying her out then putting her on a stretcher into the ambulance.

"Get into the back with her." Said one of the men pointing at my mom.

"Uh..hh.. Ok." I told him as I hopped in.


Chapter 2

Light filled the back of the ambulance as they opened the doors at the hospital. People were running around, like little mice as if a cat was chasing them. All I could do is stand and stare at my mom getting carried in through the doors of the Emergency room. Tears overflowed my face with shock. I should of gotten home sooner! This wouldn't of happened if the bus dropped me off at my house! I buried my hands into my face at the thought of it.

"Go wait in the lobby. The nurse will call you down when you are able to see your mother or if there is news." One of the doctors had a serious look on his face as he said that.

"Thank you, I hope she will be ok." It felt like there was a sharp pain in my chest.

All I heard were loud yells coming from the room my mother was in. CLEAR! ZZZ... No pulse! ZZZZ...

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2013 ⏰

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