Stiff Hands

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Her hair fell softly on the bridge of her shoulders, her lips compressed together; for she was deep in thought. Her expression was between sadness, and bewilderment. Her dress lied limp on her knees, tucked tightly under her thighs; to make sure that nothing was revealed. Other girls ran with celerity; around her, as they chanted obnoxious remarks in her direction. The girl sat there, clearly incommodious, but she hid it well. Her ears plugged out their comments, and she oddly tried to focus on the scenery. The sycamore trees swayed in fluent movements, their bare limbs looking cold in the twenty degree weather. The flower beds were frozen, the stems of numb flowers now delicate to the touch. The watchdogs stood shaking in their bob-cut coats, their owners watching intently through the tinted glass. Blood dripped down the familiar flagpole, the sun hitting it first. At the bottom, the puddle was still frozen. People steered clear of it, but it was hard not to look up at the sullen face that hung from the staff.  That day had been an adversity for all of them, no matter if they acknowledged it or not.  


Amelia looked at Rueben in exasperation. He looked back at her, completely confused. They had just made love, what? Two? Three, days ago? How could she be doing this?

“Amelia, please…” He begged, taking her hand in the middle of the table, “Please, Amy. Don’t do this to me.” Amelia averted her eyes from his. She couldn’t see him cry. Not now.

“Ben… It’s been nearly a year since I’ve really focused on my studies…” She sighed, taking her hand away, “And if I’m going to get a scholarship to MIT…I have to have no distractions.” She explained, looking up at him. His face was flushed with what looked like anger and embarrassment. His head was bowed, and he twiddled his thumbs over his muscular thighs underneath the table. So bad he wanted to just hide, to be away from the confusion and to be away from her.

“Who is he?” Rueben asked, clearly understanding her well concealed situation.

“Pardon me?”

“Who is the new guy, Amelia?!” He was screaming now, making everyone in the café turn to look at him. He didn’t care. He wanted answers. She couldn’t just take his virginity and then expect him to be okay with her leaving with a stupid excuse.


“Don’t call me that.” Amelia shifted uncomfortably in her seat, wondering what to say.

“Just tell me. Don’t I deserve that much?” He questioned; his sea foam eyes foggy with tears. He was trying really hard not to cry in front of her. She didn’t deserve to see him shed a tear.

“Parker,” She whispered, looking down at her expensive red high heels. Rueben pursed his lips and nodded his head in irritation. How could he have not noticed that?

“Of course,” He said, “Of course it’s Parker.”

            The Kelly house was isolated in the lone town of Angeles, Costa Rica; the only neighbors at least two miles away. Rueben’s knock on the door was loud and urgent. The door opened almost automatically, making him jump. Parker looked at Rueben in disgust.

“It’s twelve in the morning, Ben. What do you want?” He sighed, rubbing his tired eyes.  Rueben shook his head at him and grabbed the neck of his vest.

“What the hell, man?” He asked, pushing on Rueben’s chest. Rueben smiled a psychotic smile, and then punched Parker with his free hand.

“You know I love her, Parker. You know I do,” He whispered, blood dripping from Parker’s nose and onto his hand. Parker didn’t fight back because he knew what he had done was wrong; and deep down; he knew this moment would come. He couldn’t help it. The fact that Amelia was so damn sexy and she had thrown herself to him; there was no way he could have resisted. It just wasn’t humanly possible. But poor Rueben was only sixteen. This had been his first real relationship.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2013 ⏰

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