Kortney Coleman - An Award Winning Sportsperson

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Kortney Coleman plays basketball and she has participated and won many prestigious tournaments. She always supports her team members on the court and co-ordinates well with them. As caption of her team, she has good leadership skills and she communicates easily with all members of the team. The ease of communication allows the team to work together on the court and perform excellently as a unit. She supports other sports and players so that they can do their best to make a win for their team.

Kortney Coleman has been awarded many times for her exceptional performance on the court and her team leading skills which inspire her team to give their best. She knows how to play the game and how to win it, too. She encourages her team members as well as opposite team members. She never feels discouraged if they lose a game. She accepts it as a lesson for their mistakes on the court and works on her mistakes to improve next time. She always encourages her team members to give their best in all conditions even if they are facing a team that is much better than them. She feels that on the court, everyone is equal as players and a determined team can do wonders if they work together. She is always confident to win a game and also increase confidence of her team members by encouraging them.

She also gives coaching to her team members how to pass ball and how to dribble without getting checked by the opposite team’s members. The team gets together every day to practice how to shoot the ball and how to save a shoot attempt from opposite team. She is a motivating factor for all sports players to perform better on field. She educates people to play games and become healthy and maintain a positive lifestyle. She is really a great sportsperson and as a common woman she is very helpful to all. She is a true inspiration for her team members as well as the people in her community.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2013 ⏰

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