Baby Niall horan

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I was knelt over the toilet,throwing up chunks of my food from earlier this morning. yuck. I hated throwing up. It felt as if I'd die any second because of I was puking my insides out. Disgusting. I wasn't sure why I was sick or how, all I knew was it happened fast. Maybe it was a simple food poisoning or dehydration. I haven't drank any water lately. Maybe that was it. I got up off the floor an flushed the toilet before going over to the bathroom sink. I took my blue rag near the faucet then got it wet and patted my face with it. It felt nice and cool on my skin now that was hot. It felt almost as good as a massage. After I had gotten the chunks off my face I took the cup near me and filled it with cold water, then quickly chugged it down.

I stood there a moment, looking myself in the face. My chocolate brown hair was done into a messy bun from yesterday night, my used to be pink lips were now pale along with my skin, my cheeks were a little flushed and my hazel eyes are now a dark color. Almost as if I was looking into a room without light. I had to admit I looked horrible. Like a monster. I just needed some rest right now, to lay my head on my thick soft pillow, turn out the light an close my eyes to just let go of my problems. At least my dreams would be better than reality.

"Sweety, is everything alright?" My mother asked behind my shut door.

I looked away from my hideous self and answered. "Yeah mom. I'm fine" it sounded unconvincing.

There was a long pause before m mom said "Ok dear, Niall's here to pick you up. You better hurry.".

Dang it, I almost forgot Niall was coming. At least he could make my day better. He always did. I smiled. "Alright. thanks." I said, but there was no answer. Maybe she was already down stairs.

I stayed my face then put on a decent top and perfume before heading down stairs. I gently turned the knob, opening it up to a smiling face. It was Niall horan. The ever popular jock at my school. The guy all girls wanted to date and all boys wanted to be. It was a mystery to me still to this day of why he loved me. I was nothing compared to the other girls. They were blonde and sporty while I was a brunette and a book worm.

Niall had short blond hair that swooped to the right. Sort of like the bieber bowl but not quite,he had dark sparkling blue eyes that seemed to mesmorize you, it was like looking into a beautiful luxurious waterfall.

Today Niall wore old fade blue jeans,black Nikes,a white t-shirt, a green sports jacket and a silver dog tag. He looked wonderful today, it made me feel almost better just looking at him.

Niall smiled at me, flashing his perfectly white teeth. "Ready to go?" he asked in his sweet Irish accent.

I looked up at him and sighed "No, I'm afraid not. I think I'll stay home today, I'm sick.".

He frowned then moved closer to me. "I'm sorry, I'll stay here with you if you like."

"No"I said. I definitely didn't want him missing out on learning because of me. "Go babe. I'll be fine. I promise.".

He frowned even more " You sure?".

I smiled lightly and chuckled "Yes, I'm positive. I'll be fine.". He frowned again then relaxed his face muscles and smiled. "okay babe, I'll see you after school, I'm not missing that."

I chuckled.

Niall leaned down and kissed my forehead gently before kissing my cheek and lingering there a second. He leaned back and gave me his ever popular smile and said " See you later Amber" then winked before walking away.

I watched him as he walked down the Side walk and into his red convertible. After he disappeared down the road I went over to the fridge and reached on top,grabbing some Tylenol and water. I took a couple pills and went back up stairs and plopped on my bed. It was lonely up here, and quiet. I couldn't wait until after school. I soon found myself drifting off into a deep sleep, thinking about Niall,and his perfect smile. Counting down the seconds until he'd be here.

Baby Niall horanWhere stories live. Discover now