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I can still recall the last few days of my Highschool. It’s still as clear as a teardrop in my mind………..

 I hurried a long the line of the school garden passing through the trellised mansanitas and the sculpted santan bushes.  A profusion of sampaguita blossoms fanned in all directions. How I wished I could stop and sit on one of Principal Del Fierro’s many wooden benches and just enjoy the place but I knew I didn’t have time. I was already late for the flag ceremony. Soon after, I had to pass my term paper and in my own count, I had a hundred tasks left to do. By the time I arrived at the quadrangle, the students were already reciting the epic “PANATANG MAKABAYAN”. I dashed to the lobby. As the CSC president, it was my usual task every morning to facilitate the flag ceremony and now I was late. At last after delivering the reflection, I got my things and went upstairs to my classroom. By the way for your information, I am Lex Sebastian the CSC president and is the candidate for valedictorian. The subject TLE began by the arrival of Mrs. Medalle. Being ever so enthusiastic, I always participated on her class even though some of my classmates find her subject boring. Everything went on as usual. My classmates already became accustomed by the fact that sometimes I’m not around during class. But whenever I do not have activities outside the four corners of the classroom, I try my best to take part during class discussions.


At last the last bell rang. It was already the end of February. March is to start hours later and the thought of graduation makes me nervous and to think that the four years of my Highschool was about to come to an end, made me feel uneasy. I knew I would miss my classmates and the people who are close to me most especially my best friend, Cheenee. She has been my best friend for four years. She was always there for me when I needed some shoulder to lean on. She was the only one who knew all my secrets – well almost all of them. I had a very discreet crush on her even before we met in Highschool. She thought she knew who my crush was but the fact was it was her all along. And one biggest secret I never told her and my classmates was, I had Leukemia. My family and I only discovered it a week ago when I had an outstanding nose bleed then I collapsed. My family sent me to Cebu for a check-up and sadly, it was there when we found out I had Leukemia and worst was, it was already stage 4. The doctor said I have a few more months to live. My family did not accept it at first but then understanding the circumstances, they put up with it believing that everything happens with a purpose. I had to make a plan, a plan for myself not to long for my classmates when the time comes and most importantly, to forget my infatuation to my best friend once and for all. My greatest fear was to be hurt, and then it hit me like a string of lightning. I already had an idea.

It was already the first day of March and was also the day I would execute my plan. I came to school really early than usual. I went to the school garden to sit down in the wooden bench beside the Eiffel tower santan bush sculpture. I got my books and studied. My classmate, as well as the vice-president of CSC Bridgid, greeted me good morning with a warm smile. Although nervous and anxious to do what I had planned, I carried it out with all my might: I snubbed her. It was as if she were an invisible wind passing before me. I felt sorry for her. I took a deep breath as the dumbfounded Bridgid walked pass me. I sighed heavily as a sign of relief. I had executed what I intend to do: give the brush-off my classmates. If I act coldly to the people around me, try to bond with them less and to concentrate more with my studies, it would lessen the fear of letting them go. A few more students passed and greeted me but with succession, I snubbed a few. Finally, the school bell rang signaling the start of the flag ceremony. I walked my way to the lobby and conducted my daily routine. On my way to the classroom, Cheenee greeted me with a huge smile.” Good morning! Banana!!  She teased. I tried not to give a response but my mind refused to do so. I inquired with a fake smirk which I knew she quickly felt something was wrong about me. I climbed up as quickly as I can to my classroom leaving my astonished best friend behind. I felt so stupid on what I did. I arrived at the classroom and sat down on my chair and read my book not even bothering to greet my seatmates good morning which had been my daily habit towards them.  Later that day, my classmates noticed that I act so different to them. It was as if I treated them with a cold shoulder.

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